10 websites we didn’t know we needed by 2023


They say that if something is not on the Internet, it is because it does not exist and the truth is that they are more right every day, since the amount of things that we can do browsing the net is almost infinite. With the arrival of this 2023, which we take advantage of to congratulate you on the New Year, one of your purposes may be to increase your productivity online, and we are going to help you.

To start the new year in a more productive way, we are going to share with you 10 useful websites that can help you in your daily life on the Internet.

10 Minute Mail

This is a service that, as its own name indicates, offers the possibility of creating a temporary email of only 10 minutes of existence. If necessary, we can extend its duration a little more in periods of 10 in 10 minutes, but after that time it will disappear automatically, unlike others such as YopMail or Temp-Mail.

10 minute email

The service is completely free (although they accept donations), does not require registration, does not have payment plans and will provide us with 10 minutes of anonymous email for us. Its duration should be enough when we register for some service and we do not want to give a real email to confirm our identity.


BugMeNot is an Internet service that provides pre-existing usernames and passwords so that users can enter a web page without the need to register.


You will simply have to enter the URL you want to access in your browser and, if you have them, it will show you a list with usernames, emails and passwords, as well as an effectiveness index when logging in. In that same section you can assess whether the login has been successful or not.

Print What You Like

On this website you can take screenshots of a specific website, but eliminating all those blocks of it that do not interest you. In this way, you will be able to create a much cleaner capture to, for example, use in tutorials or simply to not share your ads.

Web Print What You Like

The supposed official purpose of Print What You Like is to allow you to print the good parts of any webpage while skipping the ads and what you don’t care about, but we don’t know who is still printing websites in 2023.

Online Stop Watch

We all need a stopwatch at some point and there is never one around us, so now you can have it on this website called Online Stopwatch, with a very simple interface, but it perfectly fulfills what it promises.

Online Stop Watch

In addition, you can also set a countdown in case you have to do something that requires it. Indeed, nowadays that we live with the smartphone stuck in our hands, the most logical thing is that we use it for the stopwatch or countdown, but what if what we are going to do requires the mobile phone? Online Stopwatch is the solution.

Can you run it

Can You Run It is an online tool that analyzes the hardware components of our computer to tell us whether or not we can run the game in question.

Can you run it

Thanks to its online tool we can check if a video game can be executed by our computer. It doesn’t just give us a yes or no answer, but it analyzes all the necessary hardware components by installing a small application and, based on this analysis, it informs us of which components meet the minimum and recommended requirements and returns all kinds of of details in this regard, even indicating if, despite meeting the requirements, we are with obsolete drivers or something.

What The Font?

If you have ever come across a type of font that you have loved, but you have been left wanting to know what it was, by entering this tool on the MyFonts.com web we can upload an image and WhatTheFont will analyze it to find out which fonts are used. have used in their design.

What The Font

We just have to drag the image onto the WhatTheFont screen or click the Upload an image button and choose the file on our hard drive. Afterwards, the tool will ask us to confirm which letters each section of the image corresponds to and it will show us the possible results of the font type recognition, even giving us the option of downloading them if they are free.

Online OCR

This is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool or optical character recognition. It is mainly used to identify text within images and thus be able to easily transfer said text to a document.

Online OCR

We will simply have to upload an image to the web that does not exceed 15 MB in size, choose the language and the type of document that we want to create (between Word, Excel or plain text .txt) and press the convert button to have a document of text with what put a certain image.

Reveal URL

Especially for social networks, a few years ago link shorteners began to work, which serve to mask a web address within another that acts as if it were an alias. On many occasions, the only way to find out which is the real website behind a Bitly or similar is to click on said link, but that is because you did not know this website.

Reveal URL

In Reveal URL you will simply have to enter the shortened link and it will directly tell you which real website it refers to, so you don’t have to expose yourself to opening a malicious link out of pure curiosity.


TinEye is a very useful online tool to find out if there are photos in which we appear on the Internet or to see where certain photos are published, something very useful for example if you are a photographer. Like Google’s reverse search, this service allows you to find photos similar to the image you upload. In this way, we can show a photo to TinEye and let the tool search for images like the one we have indicated.


Its operation is very simple, just go to the TinEye site, upload a photo or indicate the URL of an image and click on search. This can also be very useful to find if a photo has been published on different sites. We can also use TinEye as an extension in our own browser, since it is available for Chrome and Firefox.

A good movie to watch

Taking into account the enormous range of content that you will have at your disposal if you have an account on one or more streaming platforms, it is normal that sometimes you get saturated just by looking at the initial menu and you don’t even know what to play.

A good movie to watch

This website helps you choose, as it recommends movies that have been highly rated (always at least 7/10 on IMDb + 70% on Rotten Tomatoes) and that you may have missed. In this way, you will never have to choose a good movie yourself again, but the tool will do it for you.

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