How to connect two or more Bluetooth devices on the same PC

How to connect two or more Bluetooth devices on the same PC

Nowadays we can connect different devices to our personal computers, by means of cables to USB ports. But with the appearance of new ways to connect, we can do without these means. That is why in the following article we are going to show you the different steps you must take to connect two or more Bluetooth devices to the same PC.

Of course, it is necessary for your PC to have this type of connector, otherwise you will have to acquire USB devices that allow this connection via Bluetooth.

And in this way you can share your media files with your smartphones. You can even connect multiple speakers that use this pathway to connect.

Technology is making leaps and bounds and it is possible that in the not too distant future we will be able to connect through electrical sources and no other way will be necessary. For now, continue using the ones that exist and this is something that we have shown you before. Where it was found that it is possible to send and receive files via Bluetooth from Linux to Windows.

How to connect two or more Bluetooth devices on the same PC

To be able to connect two or more Bluetooth devices to the same PC, you must first find out if you have this type of connection. Otherwise it will be impossible for you to connect via this wireless route and you should not use the annoying cables, which limit your movement. But then we will tell you what you should do so that you know if your PC has Bluetooth.

connect two bluetooth devices

Most laptops have this device in their hardware and so do modern personal computers. Already the use of cables is becoming a tool that will soon disappear. And the wireless connections will be stronger and stronger, so let’s see how to know if our PC has this cooling.

To be clear about this fact, let’s start with checking it on computers that work with the Windows operating system. To do this we go directly to the Control Panel through the Windows start button. After the window opens, we must look for the Device Manager option and a new window will open.

In this window, the different devices that our PC has are shown in a list and if there is Bluetooth, we should see it. When locating it, we must click on this device to verify that it is indeed working correctly. If we do not have Bluetooth, we will have to buy one that connects through the USB port.

In the event that our PC works with the Mac OS operating system, it is very likely that they already come with a Bluetooth device by default.

But in the same way we are going to carry out the following steps to be able to verify it. To do this we go directly to the main button and we are going to click on the About This Mac option, a menu will be displayed and in it we choose the More Info option.

Now we will have before our eyes a list of the devices that are integrated into the PC, as well as the Software. And we can see very easily if Bluetooth is integrated and if it is activated. In the same way, if this is not the case, you must purchase a USB adapter so that you have a Bluetooth connection.

Steps to connect two or more Bluetooth devices on the same PC

Now that you have verified that you have a Bluetooth device to connect wirelessly to your PC. The first thing you should do is activate it so that it can detect which teams want to pair up at that moment.

Now you must activate Bluetooth on your mobile device or if it is a speaker you must turn it on and activate the pairing mode.

bluetooth devices same pc

It is possible that many times this type of connection cannot be established, so it will be necessary to download an App that will allow you to do it very easily. From the virtual stores you can download some very good ones. Depending on the one you have installed, you can basically do the following procedure.

First activate Bluetooth, activate the device or mobile and press pair in the application, choose the device to pair in the menu. Then connect them and voila, you have connected two or more Bluetooth devices on the same PC.

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