How to curve or arch text in Word easily


Word is a word processor developed by the Microsoft company. It is the most widely used globally for both academic, professional or creative activities.

Texts can be written for any purpose and it is even possible to create a timeline. In addition, Word has a variety of tools that each have a different function. Therefore, within its functions it is possible to format an informative text and it is also possible to curve a text.

Easily arch a text in Word

The word processor allows you to arch or curve the inserted texts easily, just with a few simple steps you can achieve it. First you must open Microsoft Word from your mobile or PC, then write the text which you want to arch. Once you have the text ready you can select everything with the help of the mouse, when selected you must click on “insert”.

Use Microsoft Word on PC and Android

When you open the option you will find a tab with a variety of functions, so you should look on the right side for the “Wordart” option on which you have to click. It is important to note that the option is identified by the letter “A” it is slightly inclined.

Together when clicking, a series of styles is displayed, therefore, you can choose the one you prefer, highlighting that the selected style will be applied automatically to the text that you want to arch. Then the text is selected and they must be ensured that they are in the “drawing tool” tab in the format option. So if you are not located in the tab you can click on the text and it will automatically be found in format.

Later you must locate the “text effects” option, it allows you to perform the arc effect on the text. Then you can click and a menu with several options will be displayed, so you must select the “transform” option.

By clicking you will be able to see the options of arcs and shapes that can be applied to the selected text, among which are: arc up, arc down, circle, button and at the bottom there are additional shapes. And to make things even easier, you can activate the autosave function.

Technique to arch or curve a text

So by selecting, for example, the upward arc option, you can see how it is applied to the text at once. But the arc that was applied is small, the shape that the text takes is a minimal arc.

Work Word document

In order to make the arc curve or arch more, you have to locate yourself in the circle that is displayed below the text. Being located above the circle, click and move down, in this way you can visualize how the arc acquires more shape.

In the same way, if the acquired shape is not the desired one and you want a deeper arc to be displayed, you can select the circle that is on the right side of the text. By having it selected, you can move the mouse from right to left and it is automatically displayed how the arc acquires a larger shape.

You can arch the text below or on the right side until you find the correct shape or curve. At the same time, if you want to obtain the text with an arc downwards, you must carry out the same procedure but in transform you have to click on the “arc downwards” option.

It will also be adjusted with a smooth curve and you can adjust the depth of the arc with the same option, moving the circles that are displayed next to and below the text.

Ultimately, using Microsoft Word tools is simple, so you can easily achieve arched text. You can also format an informative text or shape any text from the same transform option, you can apply the designs until you select the appropriate one.

Have you managed to curve or arch text in Word by following these steps? Do you know of another method to curve or arch text in Word? Leave us your answers in the comments.

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