How to fix the speaker of my cell phone if it is wet – Step by step guide

How to fix the speaker of my cell phone if it is wet – Step by step guide

The evolution of mobile devices is constant at an exponential level, so although cell phones can be manufactured with features that make them resistant to water, currently it is even possible to transform a mobile phone into an aquatic one, to use it underwater. .

However, in any of these cases, accidents involving a mobile device and water usually occur, and in which the speaker of said cell phones end up being affected. Arriving, sometimes, to need repairs because the speakers have gotten wet.

For this reason, we will show you the potential solutions that you can use so that you can fix or repair the wet speaker of your cell phone in the fastest and easiest way.

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In case you have identified that the speaker of your cell phone was affected after it came into contact with water, there are several options to go to try to solve the problem generated in the mobile device speaker by water.

wet iphone phone

One of the most efficient options is to immediately dry the outside of the phone’s speaker with a Q-tip or a small cotton bud. In such a way that most of the moisture is removed and without disassembling the mobile device.

Also, as a complement to this option, you can expose the speaker slot of the mobile device to a current of air coming from a dryer. These are recommended options especially for those users who believe that if they disassemble their device it will lose its resistance to water, but even though the device is waterproof, the speaker has been compromised by contact with moisture.

Finally, to complement these solutions, we recommend that you play some sound format on your cell phone with its maximum volume, until you identify that the sound emitted by the device’s speaker is adequate.

What happens if my cell phone speaker gets wet?

Most of the times when a user is using the mobile device near a water source, accidents occur in which the phone ends up totally or partially wet. So it is common for cases to occur in which cell phone speakers are affected, that is, they get wet.

Therefore, although it is currently possible to have devices that are waterproof, that is, phones that resist humidity and water, not all of them have this advantage. So, if my cell phone got wet, what happens to the cell phone speaker? The answer is usually simple, the speaker is compromised and stops working properly, that is, it emits the sound only partially.

In this way, to find out if the device’s speaker has been affected by having come into contact with water, the best option is to test the audio output by playing some audio format. So then, you can check if the speaker is still working properly or not, after getting wet.

How to fix the wet speakers of my mobile online

This is done through pages specialized in cleaning speakers such as Fix my Speakers and Frequency Generator that we will explain in detail how they are used later. Likewise, your task is to squeeze these speakers as much as possible but in the necessary frequencies and in this way if they have water or in many cases dust, it will be expelled.

What App to use to remove moisture and water from the speakers

There is a certain security of users who have a high-end mobile because many bring protection to the water but what they do not know is that there really is a possibility that they may run out of audio. For this reason, there are help pages for these cases that we will show you below.

water splashed samsung phone

Fix my Speakers

Through this page what you must do first is to increase the volume of your mobile to the maximum and this how much with an emoticon button that in this process when the volume is increased it emits a quite annoying sound. So you should let it sound for a while until you realize that your speaker is working well.

The task that this page carries is to emit adequate waves that cause the accumulation that the speaker of your mobile has to be expelled. So it dries the speakers and it is also not difficult to use, you just have to click that button and after a while all the water should be out of the mobile.

It is important to note that the page is not perfect, it does not have definitive results in some cases because if your mobile does not have protection there can be a lot of damage to it. In case you do not have protection, it is recommended to turn off the mobile instantly.

Frequency Generator

It is a good range application and its operation is based on emitting sounds at different frequencies that can be useful for cleaning our speakers or even tuning our equipment. It also has a free version so it has a greater reach and it also has another advantage of having a trial audition.

It also has a disadvantage that it does not have such advanced options that sometimes it may require someone specialized in the sound area.

Tips to keep in mind before fixing wet mobile speakers

  • The first advice is that you restart the phone to verify that it really is not some error that the phone is throwing.
  • The next thing you can do is leave it off for a while.
  • Another tip that can be helpful is to restore the phone to the factory and for that, it is better to make a backup copy beforehand.

phone that gets wet

Do not place the phone in the sun

On many occasions we get carried away by the occasion or even by myths regarding this topic that not all of them work. One of the things that they usually do is place the phone in the sun and it is really not recommended, it is best to keep it away from heat.

Our phones have circuits that have better performance if when they are cold, if the phone is exposed to heat it can cause damage to them, thus shooting maximum heat. Also if this seduces you can damage the frequency of your mobile or the necessary thermal paste. In this way, our phone can be turned off every time it gets a little hot. So don’t get carried away by despair and never use hair dryers, ovens, microwaves, or any other object that emits heat to dry your phone.

Don’t use the anti-water option

Every day there are more phones that come onto the market with many options that at first glance can be attractive or useful but that can have consequences in the future, that’s why we get carried away because our mobile is old and we don’t worry if it gets wet.

However, if it is true that the old protection that many mobile devices bring lately, it works optimally; but this may vary depending on the time of use of the equipment and therefore the deterioration of its physical components.

water drops on the phone

Well, this type of protection uses special rubber and hermetic closures that ensure to keep water out of the internal circuits or any part that can be damaged. Over time, this protection deteriorates due to the exposure of our phone to substances such as salt water or our sweat.

For this reason, we cannot rely on this protection for a long time. Well, in case of failure, the consequences would be detrimental to our phone. It is best to keep it away from water under any circumstances.

Do not put it in rice

Sometimes we fall into the alternative of using rice to help in case our phone is wet, but it is important to take into account that if the mobile phone fell into salt water like the sea, it will have a great deterioration to the point of being able to damage it. so if you submerge it in rice, leaving the salt in the mobile, you will not have good results at all.

If the fall is in normal water, there is also the case that it is not repairable, even if you place it in rice because already in water it has done a lot of damage to the mobile.

However, rice does have properties that absorb moisture from the environment. In the same way, it does it with the objects that are directly in contact with the rice. Therefore, if you want to use this method to dry your phone, you should follow the steps below:

When taking our phone out of the water, we must remove all the parts that are removable manually. This includes the battery, battery cover, micro SD slot and nano SIM. These should be carefully dried with a towel and left wrapped in a napkin for a few minutes.

Now, the phone should be dried with an absorbent napkin until you have removed all the external water. In the same way, you should shake it until it stops releasing the water inside it. Once ready, we fill a bowl with white rice; It should be enough to cover your phone.

dry wet phone

Next, you put your phone in the bowl and cover it with rice. It should be in the middle of the rice. Now, your device must remain here for a minimum of 24 hours since it was introduced.

The guarantee that this works depends on many factors, but it is only possible to know when you remove your phone when the time has elapsed, put its parts back and proceed to turn it on.

Alternatives to fix the wet speaker of my cell phone

If for some unfortunate reason none of the potential solutions listed above to fix a wet cell phone speaker have worked for you, don’t panic. Well, there are still other alternatives to go to try to fix the bugles or the wet speaker of a cell phone.

One of these alternate options, as strange as it may seem, is to go to an application designed for this purpose from your corresponding mobile application store. One of the best options is the Expel water – Repair speaker application, which emits a sound frequency that allows the device to expel the moisture present in the speaker while playing this strange sound.

On the other hand, in case you have not managed to fix or repair the wet speaker of your cell phone, you can replace them with waterproof Bluetooth speakers. So that you would not have the same inconvenience because your device comes into contact with water.

Finally, one of the best options in case you have not been able to repair the water-damaged speaker on your cell phone on your own, is to go to the technical service. There you will know whether or not there is a way to repair the speaker.

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