How to grow grass or grass in Minecraft – Tips and Tricks

How to grow grass or grass in Minecraft – Tips and Tricks

Although it may not seem like it, there are games that help us stimulate our imagination and reveal certain skills and abilities that we didn’t think we had. This is what happens in Minecraft. And many people have made this video game a cult and it was to be expected for everything that can be done in it. And for this we will explain how to grow grass or grass in Minecraft – Tips and Tricks.

Many believe that playing is just starting to build a house, a village, an orchard and now, this is the wonderful thing about Minecraft that goes far beyond that. You have to know a lot of variables, otherwise you won’t achieve much in that world. And for that, our intention is that you learn how to grow grass or grass in Minecraft.

It is that the possibilities are enormous and what you must also learn, build, sow, procreate, raise, feed, etc. and we have already seen that nothing is static and there is always something to do just like in real life. But with the variable you can learn what you want and build if you want an automatic rail cart in Minecraft.

How to grow grass or grass in Minecraft – Tips and Tricks

To start this tutorial we will tell you what grass is in Minecraft and this is nothing more than an item that can grow in certain places. Especially on grass blocks, but being a plant it does not interfere with the passage of animals or residents. But you can’t pick it up like you would sugar cane sticks that you can also cut.

tricks to grow grass

It’s interesting how this item behaves in the game and it’s interesting how grass can be cultivated and grown without problems. And then we will give you some excellent tricks that will allow you to perform this operation and we will show you how simple it is. Just stick to the instructions that we will explain in the next few lines.

Steps for how to grow grass or grass in Minecraft

We’ll start with looking for grass blocks, but this isn’t an easy thing to do, as when you cut a grass block, it turns into a dirt block when you pick it up. To solve this problem you must make use of a weapon that contains an enchantment. Silk Touch and with it you can break grass blocks and pick them up without changing their appearance.

But this enchantment will not only help you with the herb blocks, it can also break and extract other fragile items, such as ice and even the glass itself. But this enchantment is level 30, so get the weapon and proceed to break and mine grass blocks without getting them turned into dirt blocks.

Now simply once you have the grass blocks, place them in the area where you want them to grow. Its growth is fast, you only have to wait a day to appreciate its evolution, but it is still possible that the growth of the grass is more accelerated. And for that you just have to increase the amount of light in the area and you can do this by placing torches.

grow grass minecraft

You realize how easy and fast it is to do these simple tasks, but you must have the necessary knowledge for it. Otherwise you will be just guessing and wasting your time, so it is advisable that you investigate more on this topic. Minecraft has a lot of tricks, but realize that finding and owning the tool to cut grass blocks is not very easy.

And here we come with this basic tutorial that will help you discover a little more about this enigmatic and fascinating video game. And in simple steps we show you what you need to know to grow grass or grass in Minecraft – Tips and Tricks.

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