How to Make a Perfect Cutout in Photoshop CC – Remove Background from Photo


To have your ideal photos you always need to know how to edit or perfect them, in order to create a greater impact on the image; Since there are several aspects that you should know, we will help you in the most common of them: How to make a perfect cutout in photoshop?

Learn how to make a perfect cutout in Photoshop

The first thing you should do is open the photoshop cc program and in the upper left part the file tab will appear; When you select open, the my documents folder will appear, where the image that want to edit or crop.

When selecting it, several pop-up tabs will appear, select the option not to modify and then ok; The image will immediately appear in the work panel.

To remove the background you can have several options at your disposal; the first way is to crop the figure as such, there are multiple tools. ORne of the most used is the quick selection; with it you go selecting with a brush or you select with the pen tool, the image that you are interested in cutting and with great delicacy you go debugging the edges.

In order to perfect it, go to the selection tab and touch the refine edge option; When you are there, a brush will appear, with it you select the surrounding edges and the areas that are considered part of the photo are automatically added to the photo and the extra ones are removed.

To see how it’s looking, select the smart radio part, then go to views and choose a background; if you see that it is very rough, select the edge adjustment, you can vary with the smoothing, with the fader and contrast; you can also move the border or remove it if necessary, so that the image see fuller.

When you have the measurements you want, press ok, then ctrl X to crop your final image and add it elsewhere. If you want to duplicate the imagebefore cutting it you step on ALT and ctrl X, open another layer and paste your duplicate image, and the previous one remains the same.

crop silhouette in photoshop

How to remove the background image?

Another way is to directly remove the background; for this you can use the magic wand tool, with it go selecting and increasing the areas where you want to remove the background; then just like the previous crop, select perfect edge and choose a background to see how the image is looking.

Using the brush, go around the entire edge, and when you click, the excess is erased; With a lot of patience and delicacy, she passes the brush so that you get a good final job.

Remember before trimming select the smart radius, to adjust the softener and make a very smooth feathering; having that ready, you double click on the image to create a floating layer and place the image; now, although you want to remove the background of the image, you can go to the select part and tap on the invert selection part and the background disappears.

You can also change the background to a more natural color or the typical photography background, select a radial gradient; In this part, choose the color that you like the most, be it light and soft or dark and strong; then you place the button from the center outwards and press reverse, so that it gives the color you were looking for.

remove background in photoshop

While there are other ways to crop images, here are the easiest and fastest ways that Photoshop CC offers; so that modifying your photos or those of your friends is not a problem. If this information helped you a lot, do not forget to share and leave your comments.

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