How to sue or report Mercado Libre Where to claim a scam?

How to sue or report Mercado Libre Where to claim a scam?

Mercado libre is a very famous website internationally, it has a wide variety of products and services, this online platform allows you to buy and sell your used or new objects, with payment facilities, and a special service called “market payment” in he can be sure that your money is safe.

With the recent health emergency, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, internet traps and scams have increased, since at the moment it is very difficult to get around and we buy everything online, whether you are going to buy or You are selling a product, you must bear in mind that many scammers are around, and you must pay attention to certain elements, so as not to fall into a scam and lose your money.

How to report Mercado Libre?

If you have been the victim of a possible scam, if your product did not arrive, or it was not what you expected, or you simply regretted it, and you want to report it, you should contact Mercado Libre by phone or email, the number will depend of the country in which you are.

Always before making any transaction it is good that you know how to buy in Mercado Libre, you must be especially careful if they are electronic or virtual products, such as the skins of some popular game, since as no shipment is made, it may take longer to resolve Your case.

In the event that you do not receive help by phone, you can always contact the company by email, which is specified on its home page, or you can go to the customer service section; In the event that you are the seller and you have not received the money, you can always cancel the transaction through the payment manager.

sue or report free market for fraud

If you are a seller, you should be cautious and cautious when making a sale regarding the payments received, so it is vitally important to know how to sell on this platform in a timely and secure manner, using the application ingrada “market payment”, in which both parties must accept that they received the payment or the product, for the operation to be completed.

What is protected purchase and how to use it?

Mercado Libre, being a company with high prestige, has been implementing services in cases of fraud attempts, protected purchase is one of these, with this service you can return a product that was delivered in poor condition, or that was not directly what you ordered .

In case you make a purchase that is far away and the shipment may take more than a week, this company offers a service to track your purchase, and thus be able to rest assured that it will arrive in the indicated time, as a first step, You must make the report.

Contact customer service and express what happened, attention to detail is necessary, since this can become a legal problem, so you need to remember and say everything that happened, once this is done, Mercado Libre will contact the seller so that solve the problem.

In the event that the seller does not resolve the situation, within a period of 28 days, Mercado Libre will take care of returning your money, the money will be delivered to you in the same way in which you made the payment, either by Mercado Libre, or any other means, you must be especially careful when paying with bank transfer, it is better to use Mercado Libre services.

Recommendations to avoid being scammed

Whether you are a buyer or a seller, you must use the payment market system, this security system guarantees that the money is safe and real, until the two parties do not reach the agreement that one received the money, and the other the product, the transaction does not conclude.

free market purchases without scam

If you want to buy a product you can check the level of trust that the seller has, and the number of successful sales they have had, this can give you a lot of information.

If you want to sell on this platform, try to do the entire process on it, do not go to third-party apps, so that at the time of a possible failure, all the information is on the page, it never hurts to have your data updated , including your password, following these tips can save you a lot of trouble.

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