I have lost my ID and I have a trip: 3 tricks to fly without documentation


Losing your ID may seem like an obstacle to your travel plans, but don’t worry. We discover the necessary steps and tips to be able to travel without your identity document and enjoy your experiences abroad to the fullest. Don’t let the loss of your ID stop you!

Carrying the DNI is of vital importance when traveling, since it serves as a fundamental tool to identify yourself and validate your identity in various situations. When crossing borders, it is mandatory to present a valid identification document to comply with immigration control requirements. In addition, in the event of a medical emergency, accident or any other unforeseen situation, this document can be crucial to receive proper assistance and care. Medical personnel, authorities and rescue services will need your identification to give you the necessary help.

Although losing the ID can be a setback, it is advisable to keep a copy or photo of the document and take it with you in a safe place while you travel.

File a complaint

It is important to be alert in situations of high concentration of people in tourist areas or during transport, since there is a risk of theft. It is essential to pay attention to possible distractions to avoid the loss or theft of personal documents, mobile phones or credit cards. In case you have lost it, it is important to follow these steps:

  • File a report: In case of theft, it is recommended file a complaint as soon as possible to the local police authorities. It is important to provide them with a detailed description of what has been taken.

  • Inform the hotel: If your personal documents, such as your ID or passport, have been stolen, it is essential to inform the hotel staff where you are staying. Hotels usually have a copy of your ID (done at check-in). In case they do not have a copy, you will have to print your plane ticket again and take steps to cancel your credit cards, among other necessary actions.

Remember that, in addition to these steps, it is essential to contact the embassy or consulate of your country in the place where you are to receive specific guidance and assistance in relation to the loss or theft of documents.

how to travel with lost ID

Use your driver’s license

In the absence of the DNI, the driver’s license can be used as a valid alternative to identify ourselves in certain situations. Although the driver’s license is primarily designed to prove legal ability to drive, it is also widely accepted as an identification document in many contexts.

Within the same country, controls are sometimes carried out at train stations, buses or on highways. The driver’s license can be accepted as an identification document to verify your identity and nationality. Even if you are planning to rent a vehicle, you may be asked to show your driver’s license as additional identification along with other documents, such as a passport or credit card.

It is important to note that the acceptance of the driver’s license as an identification document may vary depending on the country, the institution or the specific context. Before traveling or carrying out important paperwork, it is always a good idea to check the specific requirements and regulations of the place you are going to make sure you have the right documents. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry a copy of the DNI or some other supporting document with you.

travel without ID

Request a safe conduct

In situations in which you find yourself without your DNIE due to loss or theft, it is possible that the airline will allow you to take the flight back to Spain if you present a photocopy of the DNI or passport along with the theft report made to the police of the country you are in. However, it is important to check with the specific airline you are traveling with to confirm if this option is valid.

In the event that the airline does not allow travel without the original documentation and, if you are traveling back to Spain from an airport under consular jurisdiction, you can contact the Consulate General of Spain to request the issuance of a safe-conduct.

A safe conduct is an exceptional document that certifies your identity and is valid only to return to Spain. To obtain it, you must go to the Consulate and provide the theft report and two passport photos. This procedure has no economic cost for the applicant, but requires confirmation of identity and prior authorization from the General Directorate of Police in Spain. It is important to note that this process can take a few hours, so it is recommended to do it well in advance.

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