Use Notification Center on iPhone and iPad


Use Notification Center on iPhone and iPad

Every iPhone has a Notification Center, where you can view the most recent notifications. You will also find a Notification Center on the iPad to see which notifications you have missed. In this tip we explain what you can do with it.

Notification Center on iPhone and iPad

Apps can send you so-called notifications or notifications, also known as push messages. You decide which apps can do this via Settings > Notifications. Tap an app in the list to specify which notifications a particular app is allowed to send. If you have enabled an app to send notifications, you will also find them in the Notification Center.

  • Open Notification Center
  • Manage message center
  • Access screen
  • More about Notification Center

Open Notification Center on iPhone and iPad

You can access Notification Center from any app, from any screen. To do this, swipe down from the top of the screen. Make sure you swipe all the way from the edge to about the center of the screen.

The Notification Center can only be opened on an unlocked iPhone; on a locked iPhone you will receive notifications, but you can only view the widgets.

Notification Center iOS 15

Can’t open control panel?

Do you see Control Center instead of Notification Center? Then your finger is a little too far to the right when swiping down. Try again, but from the left side of the notch. Do you see the Spotlight search feature? Then you don’t wipe all the way from the top edge.

Manage and clear Message Center

If an app has sent multiple notifications, they will be shown as a stack. This is also known as grouped notifications. You can tap it to see all notifications. You can also tap a separate notification to open the corresponding app.

If you swipe to the left, you will see Options and Delete. This allows you to:

  • Options: Silence notifications, disable them, or adjust settings.

  • Delete: delete a single notification.

You can also interact immediately with so-called rich notifications. For example, you can immediately like or retweet a Twitter message, without opening the app. To do this, put your finger on the notification.

Notification Center iOS 15

If you want to delete all notifications, tap the cross at the top right. You can clear all notifications from a specific app, or delete all notifications in general.

Notification center and lock screen

Since iOS 11, Notification Center has taken on a slightly different look. It is merged with the entry screen. You see the date and time at the top, with the notifications below. You can swipe up to see more notifications, or you can swipe sideways to view widgets.

On a locked iPhone, you can only view the widgets by swiping sideways.

More about Notification Center

Do you want to know more about the Notification Center and notifications on the iPhone and iPad? Then check out these articles:

  • Messaging, notifications and notifications on iPhone and iPad
  • This is how rich notifications work on the iPhone and iPad
  • Push notifications not working on your iPhone or iPad? You can do this
  • Turn off notifications on iPhone and iPad: there are two ways to do it
  • Turn off per-app push notification sounds on iPhone and iPad

You can also find Notification Center on other Apple devices:

  • Use Notification Center on the Apple Watch: this is how you do it
  • Keep your Apple Watch notifications private with Messages Privacy
  • This way you can receive notifications on both iPhone and Apple Watch
  • This is how the Notification Center of macOS works

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