What is DiDi Conductor and how does it work?


In previous posts we have already talked about DiDi, the most used transport platform in recent years. Its great growth has made thousands of people interested in being part of this wonderful company.

But it is not only passengers who want to make use of the application, but also many drivers who want to increase their earnings by working for DiDi. The DiDi Conductor app has been developed for them, but what is it and how does it work. We will explain it to you below.

DIDI driver app

DiDi Driver is an application, available in the Play Store for Android phones or the App Store for iPhones, for all drivers registered with DiDi. This application allows drivers to connect with passengers and have the opportunity to work according to your schedule and possibilities, which will increase your income with a flexible schedule.

How DiDi Driver works

You must first download the DiDi Conductor application from the Play Store for Android and for iOS devices download it from the App Store. Already in the application, proceed to complete the registration process. On the DiDi website corresponding to your country you can obtain more information on the requirements and send your documents from the app itself or you can learn what you need to be a DiDi member.

After your application is approved, you will be able to start working in no time and become a DiDi driver. Remember that there are several modalities of working as a driver in DiDi: you can be a partner-driver, a non-driver partner or a driver without a car. We encourage you to check the requirements for each modality on the official DiDi website.

Let’s go back to the application, after entering your username and password you will have access to different modules that will allow you to manage your trips, earnings and other aspects of working with DiDi, such as how often DiDi pays its drivers. Let’s see an example of how the app should be used when taking a trip.

On the DiDi Conductor main screen, press the “Login” button. The app will set you a passenger and ask you to accept the ride. After accepting it, the map integrated in the app will help you to reach the passenger’s location. Once you reach the destination, you must press the button “I have reached the starting point”. After your passenger has boarded, the journey begins.

drive didi

You can use the application according to your schedule possibilities, you just have to remember to put your application in “NOT available” mode when you are not free to travel. However there are many other functions that DiDi driver offers you. We tell you below.

Other functions offered by DiDi Driver

  • Security

One of the functions available in the “Profile” module is to include emergency contacts that you can contact in case of a situation during a trip or other incident. To do this, click on “Settings” and then on “Emergency contact”, there you can include or edit the information of your emergency contacts.

In this way, when you find yourself in an emergency, by pressing the security button in the lower right corner when starting a trip, your trip itinerary will be automatically sent to your trusted contacts, indicating that you are in an emergency situation. emergency.

In addition, DiDi has a specialized security platform that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thanks to this team you can receive alerts from risk areas through the application and have an emergency line for immediate attention in accidents or other incidents. You must remember that this tool is designed only to be used if you find yourself in an emergency situation while traveling.

  • smart platform

DiDi Driver is an advanced technology application that, when downloaded, allows you to work easily. It has a personalized profile for each driver, through which you will receive calls and notifications of the closest trips.

In addition, through the “My Wallet” module, you can analyze your earnings in real time. And through the “Balance” option it will allow you to set up bank accounts associated with your profile and receive the earnings.

Without a doubt, if you want to work for DiDi as a driver, this application will be the essential tool to process your trips, increase your earnings and enjoy the multiple rewards that the DiDi platform offers its drivers.

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