Possibly many of you already know that operating systems generally offer us their own screenshot function. This is something that we can benefit from in both Windows and Linux distributions. But more and more users are opting for external solutions for these tasks, and PicPick is a clear example of this.
On many occasions, more than we are aware of, we use a simple keyboard key to capture the content we see on the screen. We can paste this into any application that we have running in the corresponding operating system. Despite the simplicity of this process, it is extremely useful and we don’t miss it until it doesn’t work for whatever reason. But at the same time we can get hold of one of the many applications that extend this type of task.
Next, we want to focus on the new version that has just been released for one of the most popular tools of this type, we refer to PicPick 6.0. We want to focus on this application in particular because it had not been updated for 4 years, and it was about time. Even more so if we take into account the great market penetration it has had for some time.
The first thing we should know is that this type of program offers us additional functions for screen capture that we do not find by default. Thus, in PicPick we will have a powerful tool for this type of task that allows us to make all kinds of captures. Specifically, we are talking about full screen captures, a window, with shapes, freehand, menus, etc.
News and how to download PicPick 6.0
From all this and from what is offered in the new version, we will be able to make use of downloading the program from its official website. To all this, we can add that the new PicPick 6.0.0 is still available for free for home use. We also have a professional paid version. The differences here are that it removes advertising, includes technical support and automatic updates.
As for the novelties of the new version, we will say that it comes with a totally redesigned appearance. It is worth mentioning that these changes try to maintain the essence of the previous interface of the program, but updating to current times. With all this, its developers have tried to make the impact in terms of the appearance of the tool minimal while at the same time attractive. To give us an idea, all the functions remain the same in the new interface. At this point we want to draw attention to the fact that the new PicPick 6.0.0 is compatible with a dark mode that we can configure at any time.
It is also important to know that some users had problems with the interface on high resolution screens. Well, the new version also corrects them to adapt the program to the latest hardware technologies. Next, we will expose other changes that come to the program:
Improvements in application loading performance.
- A more powerful and functional image editor.
- New features for cloud sharing.
- Update in FTP upload function.
- An improved Widget.
- Corrections in detected errors.