Home Healthcare


A healthy diet during pregnancy reduces the likelihood of autism

Adherence to a healthy prenatal dietary pattern is associated with lower odds of autism diagnosis and social communication difficulties, but not with restrictive and repetitive behaviors, according to a study of...

A piece of the Parkinson’s puzzle has been found that will improve its treatment

A molecular switch has been discovered that activates a key gene to protect brain cells in patients with Parkinson's disease, which will help develop new strategies and drugs to improve treatment...

Melatonin may reduce the risk of age-related vision loss

Melatonin supplements for sleep may reduce the risk of age-related visual decline and slow the progression of vision loss in people with early symptoms of age-related macular degeneration.Melatonin is a hormone...

Too sedentary? 10,000 steps a day can counteract your risks

Taking between 9,000 and 10,000 steps a day can counteract the health risks of spending many hours sitting and reduce the risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease, regardless of the amount...

Depression accelerates memory loss in the elderly, and vice versa

There is a bidirectional relationship between depressive symptoms and memory decline in older people, according to a study, which suggests that interventions to combat depression may help slow cognitive decline.Depression and...

Night owls have greater mental acuity than early risers

If you are more active in the afternoon and are not in a rush to go to bed, we have good news for you: a study reveals that night owls tend...

Lenacapavir, the first drug against multi-resistant HIV funded in Spain

Gilead's Lenacapavir becomes the first drug funded in Spain to combat multi-drug-resistant HIV after demonstrating that 83% of patients achieve virological suppression 52 weeks after starting treatment.The multinational pharmaceutical company Gilead...

Toxic metals such as lead and arsenic found in tampons of various brands

Toxic metals such as lead and arsenic have been found in tampons from 14 different brands analysed, which could pose a risk to the millions of women who use them every...

Women with depression have a higher cardiovascular risk than men

Hormonal changes and conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity make women with depression more susceptible to developing cardiovascular diseases than men with the same disorder.The female population is more vulnerable...

Why some older women are losing their X chromosomes revealed

Genetic alterations have been discovered that may precede the loss of a copy of the X chromosome in women as they age, a phenomenon that may increase the risk of developing...

Weight loss drugs like Ozempic may reduce cancer risk

The use of Ozempic and other drugs of the same type to treat diabetes and lose weight is associated with a lower risk of developing 10 types of obesity-related cancer, including...

Foods rich in soy isoflavones improve children’s attention

Children's cognitive abilities and attention span can be improved by a diet rich in isoflavones, a nutrient found in soy products such as edamame, tofu, and vegetable drinks made from this...

Increased adiposity during pregnancy harms the baby’s mental health

Researchers have discovered why increased body fat during pregnancy is linked to two key hormones for fetal development and can predict a higher risk of children suffering from anxiety, ADHD or...

Talc classified as probably carcinogenic to humans by WHO

The WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer has evaluated the carcinogenic potential of talc and considers it probably carcinogenic to humans, associating it with an increased incidence of ovarian cancer.The...

FDA approves donanemab, the controversial early Alzheimer’s drug

Lilly's drug donanemab (Kisunla), which promises to slow cognitive decline in patients with early-stage Alzheimer's, has been approved by the FDA after years of delays. Learn how it works, how effective...

The reasons why COVID is more devastating in the elderly are clarified

A study by the University of California reveals the reasons why older people are more likely to develop severe COVID-19 and die from it, which are related to a higher viral...

Ozempic and Wegovy use linked to rare blindness

People who take semaglutide (Ozempic or Wegovy) to treat diabetes or lose weight may be at increased risk of developing a rare, potentially blinding eye disease called nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic...

Talc is “probably carcinogenic to humans” according to IARC

The WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer has evaluated the carcinogenic potential of talc and considers it probably carcinogenic to humans, associating it with an increased incidence of ovarian cancer.The...

COVID vaccination may reduce asthma symptoms in children

High COVID-19 vaccination coverage is associated with a significant reduction in childhood asthma symptoms, according to a study that suggests the vaccines may offer additional benefits for asthmatic children.Asthma is one...

They reveal how stress triggers fear in the brain and how to prevent it

They discovered how acute stress triggers generalized fear in the brain in the absence of threats and how to prevent or stop it from occurring, which could help develop specific treatments...

New technique shortens time to achieve pregnancy through assisted reproduction

Catalan researchers have developed a new technology that identifies in vitro fertilised embryos that are more likely to implant correctly in the uterus, which will reduce the time to achieve pregnancy.A...

AI-based blood test detects Parkinson’s disease 7 years in advance

A new artificial intelligence-based blood test can predict the development of Parkinson's up to seven years before symptoms appear, which would help diagnose the disease early and improve its prevention and...

Harvard reveals which antidepressants cause the most and least weight gain

A study analyzing the relationship between treatment with eight common antidepressants and weight gain shows which are associated with a greater likelihood of weight gain and which are associated with less...

An algorithm helps identify an aggressive skin cancer on the face

An algorithm developed by Swedish scientists will help doctors identify the most high-risk cases of basal cell carcinoma on the face, the most common type of skin cancer, helping to target...

This is the diet that can help delay brain aging

A high-quality diet from youth to middle age may preserve brain function in old age, according to a study spanning nearly seven decades that highlights the importance of healthy eating from...

1.8 billion people could lose their health by not exercising

The World Health Organization warns of the risks of a sedentary lifestyle for around 1.8 billion adults who do not do enough physical activity and are more likely to suffer from...

Key antibody discovered in measles prevention and treatment

An antibody has been identified that stops the measles virus before it infects human cells, a discovery that could revolutionize current therapies and vaccines to combat this disease and other serious...

‘Flesh-eating’ bacteria: how it spreads and what its risks are

The increase in cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome in Japan has sparked interest in the flesh-eating bacteria, the pathogen responsible for this serious infection. Find out how it is transmitted,...

Olives hide a secret for losing weight and treating diabetes

A compound in olives called elenolic acid may lower blood sugar levels and boost weight loss, a study in mice shows, potentially improving the treatment of obesity and diabetes.Overweight and obesity...

First nasal spray containing adrenaline approved for allergic reactions

Eurneffy (epinephrine) is the first nasal spray containing adrenaline for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommending its marketing in the European Union.Allergy is the...