How to activate the dark theme of Google Chrome for all your devices?


Since the time that the dark mode appeared, it has become one of the most demanded options of almost all applications for daily use and one of the best seen is in the WhatsApp application. As expected, Google Chrome was not far behind either and managed to make the use of this option a reality in its browser and other applications from its same company. That is why this time we are going to teach you everything you need to know before activating the dark mode in Google Chrome, either on your mobile phone or on your computer.

Will activating the dark theme automatically activate it on all your devices?

In case you use Google Chrome on two computers or mobile devices with the same account, you may have wondered if activating the dark mode on one of these devices also activates the dark mode on the others and here we will give you the answer. Turning on dark mode on one of your devices doesn’t turn it on on the others. This is because maybe you use a computer at work and you don’t need to activate dark mode there. That’s why you can manually disable this option on each of your devices or computers.

How can you activate the dark theme of Chrome?

google chrome logo

The method of activating the dark mode must be very simple so that whoever wants to use it can do it easily. Therefore, you will soon see how to activate it both on your Android phone or iPhone as well as on your Windows or MAC computer.

From your iPhone or Android cell phone

The way to activate the dark mode on Android is a bit different from the iOS system, although neither is difficult. See how to do it on each of the devices, in the case of Android phones, they must have Android version 5 or later.

Upon entering the Google Chrome application, you will press the three dots icon in the right corner of your screen and go to ‘Settings’. Now you will touch on ‘Themes’ and three different options will appear which are ‘Dark’, ‘Light’ and ‘System Default’ from these three you will choose ‘Dark’.

In iPhone phones, the iOS system version must be 14 or higher than this. When you open the browser click on ‘Settings’, then you will touch on ‘Display and brightness’ and then you will choose the ‘Dark’ option. After pressing it, the browser will switch to this mode automatically.

On your Windows PC or Mac

person using a pc

To activate the dark mode of Chrome in Windows 10 you are not going to do anything difficult, you are only going to open Google Chrome. Then you will enter the settings you have by pressing the ‘Windows + I’ keys. In this part you will press on customization where various options will be, among them select the ‘Colors’.

Being there, you will have to choose the color you want to place. In this case, when pressing on the ‘Dark’ option, this mode should be placed. In case it changes automatically, close your browser and open it again. so it will be changed.

This option is not only available for browsers on Windows, but you can also use them on Apple’s Mac system ‘Dark Mode’. To activate it you must follow these steps.

First of all, make sure that Google Chrome is updated to the latest version. Then you will click on the ‘System Preferences’ option, among the options click on ‘General’ and click on ‘Appearance’. Being in appearance, you will only have to choose ‘Dark’ so this mode will be active.

How to use a Chrome extension to set ‘Just Black’ mode?

Chrome extensions from other applications are linked from other programs so that they can do certain actions within the browser. Therefore, if you have any program to improve the appearance of your computer, you can use these extensions so that you can configure the Just Black mode. Everything will depend on the program that your computer has to improve its appearance and that you activate it in the appropriate way.

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