How to blur a person’s face in a Video? | Privacy


When we record a video at a party or in a public space, the faces of people who have not authorized us to capture their image may appear by accident. In that situation, it is pertinent to blur the faces of strangers. Today in Look How It’s Done we’ll show you some tips to do it.

Is erasing a person’s face the best way to get them out of the video?

If we choose to cut the video to remove a certain person, we can also cut very important elements of the recording. Therefore, the best way to get her out of the video is by blurring her face.

How to blur faces in videos you’ve already uploaded to YouTube?

If we already upload videos to YouTube where people who did not authorize it are seen, we should not worry too much, since it is really easy to solve it without having to remove the video from the platform.

face blur tool

To make use of this tool, we must first access YouTube Studio and then go to the Content in the start menu. We must mark the video that we want to edit and select the “Editor” in the menu located on the left.

Heading towards the bottom of the screen, we can select the option to Blur parts of your video, followed by Blur face.

In a pop-up window we will see the faces that appear in the video and we will have to mark the one we want to delete and click Apply.

Next, we adjust the blur box to the face and Save. In this way, we can avoid problems, both for the person who appeared in the video by accident, and for ourselves.

how to blur faces in videos uploaded to youtube

custom blur

Another way to blur a face is to choose Custom Blur instead of the Face Blur option. With this we can directly blur the part of the video where the face appears, which is very useful if the person only appears for a small fragment of time.

How to blur a face from your mobile device?

If the video is not published on the web and is on a mobile device, we can also blur faces, although following different steps and using different programs, depending on the type of cell phone we use.

on an android

Among so many editing applications within all versions of Android, the best option is to use “ObscuraCam”, a completely free and exclusive program for this operating system that allows us to blur or cover faces through its facial detection capacity.

In addition, it is quite effective for the data protection of photographs, thus preventing them from exposing private information such as location when sharing them on the internet.

with an iPhone

In the case of using iPhone, we can use the “MovStash” application, designed to blur or censor parts of a video on mobile devices with the iOS operating system. You just have to install it from the web, open it and locate the video you want to edit.

What are the best programs to pixelate videos?

In addition to those that we already mentioned, there are other programs that are very useful if it is about blurring or pixelating videos. Among them, the best are the following:

what are the best programs to pixelate videos


It is a commonly used application for image editing due to the wide range of options it offers, including pixelating parts of videos and photos. It is free and compatible only with iOS devices.

Video Mosaic

Video Mosaic was primarily designed to blur videos. It has more than one option to apply the blur and it can be applied directly during the video recording. It can also be installed for free and is compatible with iOS.

Video Toolbox Movie Maker

Although this app is the lowest rated of the three, it is also useful for blurring parts of a video, albeit with the downside of limited facial blurring. Available for iOS, it can also be installed for free.

What other way is there to cover a person’s face in a video?

Although we have selected the most used and valued tools to blur, pixelate or censor videos, there are other programs that allow us to hide a face in a recording, such as iMovie, Blur Photo and Point Blur, with which we will also enjoy highly professional results .

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