How to invoice trips in DiDi – DiDi billing


Today it’s time to see how to invoice trips in DIDI, the popular transport application that is becoming increasingly well-known around the world. However, there are still many people who have certain doubts about how to invoice the trips they make through said app.

The issue of billing that you know very well, because from them you can know how much it costs you in terms of fuel costs and vehicle maintenance costs, for this we recommend that you determine well the distances you travel with the Google Maps application or Waze, linked with DiDi.

Therefore, we are going to see a guide to invoice in DIDI properly. The guide in question is quite simple, so you will not have any problem following it to the letter.

mobile with didi logo

Billing depending on the type of driver

  • Registered online. The payment is automatically transferred to the account of the driver in question.

  • Driver who was registered by promoters. Basically you have to fill in all the profile information to be able to make the withdrawals.

  • Driver who is linked to a non-driving partner. The money is sent to the account of the member who is not a driver.

About the travel fee

We must bear in mind that there is a type of DIDI rate that is dynamic. To verify this, what we have to do is verify it from the same application before the trip in question is confirmed.

Ideally, if you have any kind of doubt about it, consult it from the official DiDi website with its support where they can provide you with detailed information depending on the case.

mobile with didi logo

Different types of payment

There are different types of payments, but you should consider a few things beforehand. The first thing is that you can add any kind of credit or debit card to be able to pay for the trips. In this way it is much more comfortable and safe above all things. You can avoid this from your profile in the payments section. If you have a problem with this section, in our blog we have already solved it in a few steps.

As for payment in cash, it is only available in a few cities. If it is available in your city, you can check the approximate price of the trip you want to make from the same Didi app. What you should keep in mind is that said price, as mentioned above, is approximate.

When do you start billing trips in DIDI?

It is strictly forbidden to start charging before you get into the car. In the event that any kind of incident occurs with this issue, it is best to contact DIDI support immediately.

Possible refunds

On some occasions, it may be mistakenly charged more on certain trips depending on different situations. If this happens, a refund can be requested, but it will not be money itself. The reimbursement in question will be in the form of credits that you can use in the future to make other trips.

How to invoice trips in DiDi

  • The first thing we must do is enter the “My orders” section. For this we are going to press on the icon that is in the upper left part of the screen.
  • Once we do the above we will be able to see a new side menu where we will find the “My orders” section.
  • Then we have to go to the top right and click on “Invoices”.
  • Next, select “Express”.
  • Here you can select the trips to invoice. You must bear in mind that not all trips can be invoiced. You can select one by one. Although at the bottom you have the option to select them all.
  • After this you will have to enter all your tax information and confirm.

In any case, if you have more questions about how DIDI works, you can consult all the articles that we have dedicated to said application. If you need more specific help for your case, check out this special review to solve billing problems with DiDi.

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