How to know the destination of a client or passenger in Uber


If you are a driving partner of the famous UBER company, you need to know certain tips that will allow you to be more prosperous in your work as a driver. These simple tricks will guarantee greater profitability in your business, without affecting the transport service to the user. One of them is to know the destination of a client or passenger in UBER.

First of all, you must be registered as a driver on the Uber platform. Which you can do by following a series of simple steps from the Uber website. Well, without further ado, let’s start with these simple instructions that we will present below to know the destination of a client or passenger in Uber.

How to know the destination of an Uber passenger before accepting the trip

  • From your mobile phone you must have your session started in the Uber APP, either from your Android or iPhone device.
  • You should wait for a probable travel request to arrive from a user who is choosing to enjoy the UBER company transfer service.
  • Let us remember that UBER, due to its excellent technological platform, will inform you of the possible trips to be made. Of course, it will inform you of the users who request the service that are closest to your current position.
  • When a travel option arrives on your mobile phone, you will see in the APP the point of origin and the final destination of the transfer. At this point UBER will show you a possible route based on its database, which you could follow. This route will be shown to you with a blue path, from the origin to the passenger’s destination.

uber destination location

  • After knowing the destination that the passenger requests, you can put the phone in airplane mode. In this way you will deactivate the data, but the APP, without internet, it should be noted that it will continue to work. This is because your smartphone has cache memory.
  • Therefore, at this point you must be very careful if you confirm the trip. Since the UBER company also has a record of canceled trips and it is not good for your history.
  • It should be noted that at this point the GPS will not be activated either. Which, if active, indicates to the user your possible time of arrival at the point where it is located.
  • By enabling the data again, you will be able to accept or cancel the trip, in which Uber will ask you a series of questions about the action taken.

Additional information you can know as a driver

  • In addition to the destination that the user is requesting, additional information will be shown through the application on your screen. Such as the average time of the transfer, the possible distance you will travel and a possible cost of said transfer.

find nearest uber

  • You will also be able to know the user’s payment method, whether it will be in cash or with some type of card, in addition to its requested destination. This is very useful since it allows you to know a series of information in advance before the user gets into your car.

These simple tips will be very useful to you as an UBER driver. Since knowing the user’s destination before providing the service will allow you to make the trips that best suit you.

In conclusion, when receiving a trip request, the driver will be able to see the information mentioned above for approximately 10 seconds, before taking the trip. That is why it is convenient to be familiar with the UBER platform. From that moment you have 10 seconds to decide whether to take the trip or not knowing the user’s destination.

For UBER it is the same to reject or let time pass, both actions count for the percentage of acceptance of the driver. Cancellation only counts when a ride is accepted and then cancelled, as mentioned above, so try to avoid it.

Finally, after the trip, passengers can see the name and photo of the driver along with the data and prices of each trip. But drivers can’t see passengers’ names in their trip history. They will only be able to see the price, schedule and approximate points of departure and destination.

Keep reading our blog and learn much more about this prestigious company.

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