How to make or create a creative video with drawings in Stop Motion App with my Android phone


Stop motion animation is one of the easiest ways to make animated videos. For this reason today we teach you how to make or create a creative video with drawings in Stop Motion App with my Android cell phone.

What is a stop motion video?

Everyone knows the classic cartoon animation, in which the sensation of movement is created based on an extensive number of drawings/images. Today it is possible to do professional fluid animation with Pivot Animator for this type of animation.

In any case, there are several ways in which you can cheer yourself up. In fact, animation can also be done with real-world objects. Given this, Stop Motion animation was born, and as we pointed out before, it has existed for a long time. In fact, stop motion animation dates back to the mid to late 19th century.

What is stop motion animation?

Today’s technology makes it possible to do things like Flash animation using movie clips, but classic animation is still around. Stop Motion animation is one in which objects are manipulated little by little while they are being photographed.

These photos are then stitched together, creating the illusion of moving animation, which is pretty much the same as conventional animation, but with real objects.

create cell phone stop motion animation

This type of animation was very famous for some time and even today it is still used. Some perfect examples of this animation are found in movies like The Nightmare Before Christmas (nightmare before Christmas in Spain and the strange world of Jack in Latin America) and many other similar works.

Undoubtedly, the big studios have taken this animation to impressive levels. In any case, the principles for making Stop Motion animation are basic and anyone could do it very easily.

Create a Creative Stop Motion Video with Android

Undoubtedly one of the best ways to create a Stop Motion animation is through the use of our mobile devices. Cell phones allow the installation of software that makes it easy to create animations with augmented reality with Adobe Aero, in addition to other actions such as Stop Motion animation.

For this reason, we will present you with a program with which you can easily animate objects from the real world. In this case we are referring to the Stop Motion Studio application, free software that allows you to create Stop Motion animations.

stop motion studio app

Use Stop Motion Studio to create animations

  • The first thing you should do is download the application, to do this simply go to the Play Store and search for “Stop Motion Studio”. Although you can also enter directly from this link to download Stop Motion Studio from the Play Store.
  • Once there, click on the “Install” option and wait until the process is finished. After which you can use it to create your animations.
  • When the application is opened for the first time, it may take a while, when the load is finished, just click on continue to start.
  • Once the application starts, you must click on “New movie”. The first time you will have to give access to the camera and you can start with the animation.
  • The process is very simple, once you are inside the application, click on the small camera icon, located at the top and to the right.
  • To start creating your animation, simply click on the red record button to take the photos one by one. Clearly you will have to make the relevant movements each time you take a new photograph.
  • It is a process that requires patience, but for sure, little by little you will master animation of this type. Once you’re done with the video, just hit the return button and the movie is saved.

The program allows you to make various configurations such as adding images, videos and audios. Although some features are only available in the paid version.

Save animation with Stop Motion Studio

  • To save the project, simply go to the program’s library, long-press on the project for a few seconds, and then click the share icon. Click on the “Export movie” option and then “Save as”.
  • Finally, you select the place where you want to save the project and you will be able to play it or send it to your contacts.
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