How to monitor Ubuntu system resources with Status Pilatus?


Being able to collect information by monitoring system resources with Status Pilatus allows you to obtain useful data from your computer. It is a tool that is mostly found on Linux computers.

The user interface is really easy, but it is structured around a series of important values ​​in the graphics environment in the stats. They allow the mobilization of various options such as Conky or other information applications compatible with StatusPilatus.

In addition to Status Pilatus Ubuntu has a wide variety of tools and applications that will make your experience using this operating system easier.

What is StatusPilatus?

To start monitoring system resources with Status Pilatus it is important to know the purpose of the tool. This is an application with a cross-platform structure for Windows, Linux and MacOS computers.

It is built based on various programs such as Electron, jQuery and System Information Library (Node.js) to offer detailed information about the platform. Its main objective is the extraction of certain operational data such as the current condition of RAM, CPU, GPU, network statistics and the use of the hard drive. Also the battery information or its current status will appear in the index.

You can also find the Systemctl program that allows you to manage system services, this program is responsible for starting all the services and elements that must be loaded once the system starts.

These are the main features of StatusPilatus

As with any program, StatusPilatus has some operational features, below you will be provided with those criteria that you should be aware of:

  • Detailed information about the commands and condition of CPU, GPU, RAM and hard drive. This comes in a report accompanied by the characteristics, indicators, temperature, use and the linked supports.

  • It offers the statistics and a small writing that highlights the activity of the use of the elements of the platform. Especially from the host and a list of everyday applications.

two graphics interface

  • Performance and condition of the interface in computer networks, for the evaluation of its internal capacity together with multifunctional supports.
  • To take care of your computer, it is important that you check which processes are active and how to eliminate them from time to time.

Guide to monitoring system resources with Status Pilatus

As has been seen with other platforms, users have the facility to visualize the performance of their operating system through encrypted tools. All these measurements are issued in real time.

In the case of Ubuntu system, StatusPilatus is an excellent tool incorporated in its options panel. In many of the versions, it is an element that comes by default, while in others it has to be downloaded.

When placing it in the menu, it will display three tabs, the first being for processes, the second for execution, and a third for CPU percentages. The most important one belongs to the resources one, since this will be where the performance levels will be.

If you want to monitor system resources with Status Pilatus, this is the ideal tab, since it is linked to the CPU, RAM and file system. The hard drive is in another tab, but it will show its availability in storage.

The remaining two tabs are characterized by power statistics, an analysis on the recovery of the processor and the hard drive. Advanced graphic material is also available.

How to install StatusPilatus on Linux?

Clearly, if you want to know how to monitor system resources with Status Pilatus, it is ideal to follow the steps below:

  • Download the application on the computer, so that it can be installed on the operating system. Run on it with a few simple steps, stipulated in the application itself.

interface a graph

  • Once the download is done, click on the application icon and enter the following command: sudo apt install StatusPilatus.deb. In case of operational problems, it is important to use the following command: sudo apt -f install.
  • Then it will do other operational procedures and packages where you have to activate the command: Wget.Https:// – Or StatusPilatus.rpm.
  • Finally, install the command: sudo rpm -i StatusPilatus.rpm or with sudo dnf install StatusPilatus.rpm. In case of problems, consult specialists.

If you don’t have the program you always have the option to download it from the terminal.

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