How to sign up for DiDi – Is it easy to sign up for DiDi?


Didi is one of the fastest growing transportation apps around the world. Therefore, being clear about how to register with Didi is quite important for when you arrive in the different countries of our continent; If you want to know where they are, check out our recent review exposing the countries where DiDi works.

We are going to see the whole process step by step so that no one gets lost and everyone can enjoy the service offered by said application, which is even cheaper than Uber, which has already been defeated in its country of origin.

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Sign up for DiDi

The first thing you should do is enter the official Didi website. Once you enter this website you will have to write your mobile phone number.

Then you should get a text message (SMS) which will have the verification code. You will have to enter this code on the previous website. You should keep in mind that the time it takes for the code to reach your phone can vary depending on many factors. It usually doesn’t take more than 30 minutes.

After the previous steps, what you are going to have to do is enter all the information that is required. It is not complicated at all since it will specify the one they need. Among such information is the most basic such as the name and surname.

In addition, you will have to enter the CURP in case you do not know what your CURP is, you can search for it on the internet without problems.

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driver type

In case you want to register with DIDI to generate extra income, then you will have to enter a type of driver, these are divided into three types:

  • Driving partner. For those people who already have a car regardless of whether it is in your name or not.

  • Driver. If you don’t have a car, you can choose this option to work in another partner’s vehicle.

  • Non-driving member. For those people who have a vehicle, but want other people to work on it.

In case you choose any option by mistake, don’t worry because you can change everything later. Another thing you should keep in mind is that depending on the driver options you previously chose, you will be asked for different types of documents.

It is important that you upload all of them and follow the instructions to the letter so as not to have problems later on. Although in the same way that the driver option can be modified. In case you don’t want to do this now just upload blank documents and then you can edit it in your profile.

If you chose Partners or non-driving partners then you will have to enter your tax information to be able to continue. Now what remains to do is enter the bank details to be able to collect all the trips you make when working with Didi.

You should also keep in mind that the process to be accepted can take up to 24 hours. Therefore, we recommend that you be patient. However, if you did everything correctly you will have no problem being approved.

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