How to stop Apps that consume a lot of RAM on Android?


When we use our mobile phone, we must take into account certain technical aspects, that if we ignore them, the performance and speed of it can be lost.

And this is due to the consumption of Ram memory by the installed applications. It is for this reason that below we will show you how to stop Apps that consume a lot of RAM on Android?

This is very common when we have a large number of applications open at the same time or running in the background. So what should we do? Well, nothing, put into practice the steps that we will give you below, so that you can very easily stop the Apps that consume a lot of RAM memory on Android.

apps ram memory

When the Ram memory of our smartphone collapses, it stops working properly and properly. Making your response when opening an application or executing a task very slow. For this reason, it is also recommended to increase and free the RAM memory of my Android phone, so that its work is optimal.

How to stop apps that consume a lot of RAM on Android

But first we must take into account an important aspect and that is some of the applications that you have installed on your device. And that they may consume a lot of RAM, it is not recommended that you stop them.

Since these are necessary for the proper functioning of the system, such as Google Play Store, Google Search, Google Play Services, Google Keyboard, Google Assistant, Google Contacts Sync.

The steps that we will state below and that will help you to stop the Apps that consume a lot of RAM memory on Android. And that do not allow your mobile to have optimal performance, we will do all this without the use of an external application and it will only be necessary to make some adjustments in the phone’s configuration, to increase the memory.

Before starting, it is convenient that you know that the only way for this procedure to be carried out correctly and to have the results we are looking for. It is the strict adherence to the indications that we will name you below.

Steps to stop Apps that consume a lot of RAM

We must first go to our mobile and select the Settings option on the Start screen, in this window you go to the Running section.

Here you will see a long list of the applications that are currently running. Now to stop it you just have to click on the Stop button on the App you choose.

In this Running section we are going to observe not only the Apps that are running at the moment, we can also see the processes and services that they are performing. As well as checking how much Ram memory is consuming at this moment. So in this way we can discern which application we should stop to avoid memory consumption.

Just remember to take into consideration the applications that we mentioned before and do not stop an App that can cause a system malfunction.

Now if what you want is that an App does not work anymore, you should go to the All section, select an App by clicking on it and now press the Force stop option.

Then you must delete it and to continue with the procedure you must click on the Disable option. In the opposite case and you want to redo everything you have done, you must click on Enable. In this way, open stopped those applications that you consider consume a lot of RAM memory on Android.

apps consume memory

As you could see, it is a very simple and quick procedure to carry out, you just have to be a little careful when choosing the Apps that you are going to stop.

So your mobile phone will not suffer from a different and bigger problem. In this way you have been able to learn how to stop Apps that consume a lot of RAM on Android.

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