How to use Skype to make calls from my mobile for free


When it comes to communication, one of the best tools that we can use is Skype, which is known as an application for both PC and mobile devices.

With this tool, multiple users around the world can make free calls through the Internet to any other user, who must have an account within the platform.

Likewise, it is important to highlight that the Skype platform allows its users to use the platform freely by anyone in any part of the world, so you will always be in communication with the people you love the most.

mobile skype hands

Within this post we want to show you different ways with which you can use this application in a simple and fast way for the actions you want to perform.

How to make text chats?

In order to do this, you must start by selecting the person with whom you want to start the chat, which you can also find from your list of previous conversations, or much more directly by entering from your contact list, which located in the upper section of the window.

In this way, you will see that a conversation will open, just on the right side of your screen, in which you must pay attention to the options presented there, such as the commands that are hidden in this chat.

Click on the bottom of the panel, and you will see that an option will appear which says ‘Write a message’, you will click there and you will see that you can write a message in a normal way as you would in any other chat. Once the message is ready, it only remains for it to be sent, for which you just have to press the ‘enter’ key and wait for a response.

making voice calls

Start by making sure you have a compatible microphone active, which has the correct settings for this app.

If you have already configured your microphone correctly, now all that remains is to enter the platform and proceed to select the contact with whom you want to communicate; all this in a very similar way to when we did the process of text chats.

skype mobile application

When you open the contact, you will see an icon with a blue phone, which will be right in the upper right corner, which you must press. If that person is online and therefore their Skype is open, you will see that you will be able to contact the person directly, so that when you open it, you will be able to listen to it.

Make your video calls in a simple way

To start and as with the passage of calls, you must make sure that your camera is connected and working correctly in conjunction with the Skype application.

Click inside the contact you want to call, in order to proceed click inside the blue camera icon that is inside the upper right corner. There you will see that you will have the possibility to start a voice call and likewise, you will be able to click later to open the camera, right on the button at the bottom of the call window.

You will be able to notice that when you are inside the call, you will see that a small window will appear in which you will see yourself reflected in real time. All this will happen right at the bottom right of your screen, so you can also edit the size or permanence of the screen as you wish. It should be noted that you can also modify your voice within a video call on Skype.

As a final piece of information, if you want to make or include a direct chat in the call, you just have to click on the text button that appears in the upper right corner of your window during the video call. With all this, you can simply and easily make the video call you want or carry out your meetings correctly through this platform.

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