Should you unsubscribe from Netflix?


More and more users are deciding to abandon, after several years of use, one of the first platforms that revolutionized the entire environment of streaming movies and series. We mean Netflix. And it is that, in recent times, between the rise in prices and the fact that the content it offers is no longer what it used to be, many ask themselves the following question: “Do I unsubscribe from Netflix?”

A very normal question, since more and more subscribers are unsubscribing from the streaming platform. Not only do we see how it collapses on the stock market, but there are several failures that have been accumulating behind Netflix. Therefore, we will see if it is really still worth paying for its service.

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JaviZone 🧨


I am considering unsubscribing from Netflix after many years. It’s not worth the 17-18 bucks it costs me a month and the quality of the series is getting worse and worse. Anyone who thinks like me?

October 01, 2022 • 23:42



Netflix’s Biggest Problems

There is no doubt that the Netflix service is not what it was. The continuous loss of subscribers and the various price increases have not gone down well. Although, everything would be different if the quality of the series and movies, which we did find on the platform a while ago, were good. Something that, unfortunately, does not happen now. However, for many it is still worth it, since with a movie they see, it already compensates what they pay:

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@JavierSanz Does anyone remember when you paid for movie rentals in a Blockbuster? The quality of Netflix has gone down, but with 2 or 3 movies you watch a month it is more than compensated. I think people complain out of vice. What I do not dispute is whether other platforms are better or not.

October 02, 2022 • 12:19



However, during 2022 Netflix’s problems have been clearly seen. Not only the fact that it recorded its first loss of subscribers in 11 years, but we also saw a stock market drop of up to 72% in a matter of months as a result of that.

Netflix’s new idea is to also focus on the world of video games. But, it is not clear if it will be a success or we will be facing another of the failures of the platform. As is being the fact of preventing users from sharing accounts. And it is that, many people continue to maintain their subscription because they share expenses:

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@JavierSanz I have it shared. If I paid for everything, not even kidding

October 01, 2022 • 23:52



Share account, another failure

The problems on the stock market, the loss of quality in series and movies, in addition to the constant march of subscribers… are not the only problems or failures of Netflix. There is another that can mark a before and after. Specifically, we are referring to the fact of being able to share an account with friends, family, acquaintances or other users.

cancel netflix

Basically, because for months the platform has carried out different tests to limit precisely this. As was the case in Chile, Costa Rica or Peru, which saw how they had to pay extra to add an additional member when sharing an account. Or even the method of adding one more household to the account that was tested in Argentina, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras or the Dominican Republic.

All this added together lets us see the big problems Netflix is ​​in. And it is that, users make it clear to us that, if they could not share expenses, they would have already said goodbye to the streaming content platform for several years. In any case, there is no doubt that paying almost 18 euros for the premium plan is only worth it if you share an account. But if they limit it… what will happen to Netflix?

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