More and more devices can connect to the Internet through WiFi. However, like any wireless connection, the convenience of wireless use can also lead to certain coverage problems, to the point that in some room of our house there may not even be a signal.
If you find yourself in any of those situations where your router’s WiFi signal doesn’t reach the farthest corner of your house or any other room without coverage, here are some ways to fix it, depending on how much money you want to spend and where the networks are. problem areas.
Router level solutions
Sometimes, the most beneficial thing will be to make changes at the router level, since you will not only gain improvement in that specific room, but it can also improve the general quality of the connection in other areas of your house.
Move the position router
Ideally, the router should be in a central location in the house, so that a priori it distributes WiFi equally and in this way it can distribute the signal better. However, if you are going to connect only from one area, you can put it near that place.
Be that as it may, the position of the router is essential. Try to put it in an elevated location, away from other electrical devices with which it may have interference and from walls that may affect signal propagation.
Simple things like the floor, doors, or walls in your home can block your router’s signal, especially if they’re made of metal, brick, or concrete.
adjust the antennas
Does your router have mobile antennas? The Wi-Fi signal is emitted from the sides of the antenna and straight up (perpendicular to the router) is usually best so that the signal is not projected onto the floor or ceiling.
However, if you have multiple antennas, you can try adjusting them at different angles to provide wider coverage.
Switch from 5GHz to 2.4GHz
Broadly speaking and simplifying a lot, routers offer two large blocks of frequency bands to connect to WiFi: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. 2.4 GHz WiFi has more interference because it has overlapping channels with each other, but despite this, it has a greater range for operating in a longer frequency, in exchange for a lower connection speed.
In fact, using 2.4 GHz WiFi only has a single advantage over 5 GHz: it reaches a greater distance if the router is several tens of meters from our device, or if there are walls in between. This wavelength has a longer range and can pass through solid objects more easily than the 5 GHz band.
The exception to this is newer routers that work with 5GHz 802.11ac WiFi, which can, under the right conditions, get coverage equal to 2.4GHz.
buy a better router
The last alternative, if all of the above has not worked, is to buy a better device than the one supplied by the operator or the one you had at home and were using.
Oldest to newest Wi-Fi standards are: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac, and Wi-Fi 6. If you have an older “b” or “g” wireless router, you should consider replacing it with a newer device, offering longer ranges and faster connection speeds.
Of course, check with your Internet provider first, to see if they can handle the upgrade.
Accessories for the room without coverage
If there are no problems at the router level, or you have already improved that part and there is still no signal reaching a certain room, you can make a change in situ.
Wi-Fi extender
A popular alternative is to use Wi-Fi amplifiers. Basically it consists of having one or more receivers that later offer wireless connection to other devices. Through this WiFi chain, they will enhance the signal in a certain area of the house where we have it connected.
Another equivalent option would be the use of PLC, to carry the connection through the electrical wiring. It is one more alternative to have Internet in other rooms and areas of the home with only two power outlets (two plugs) available. There are models that allow WiFi to be broadcast to the target PLC.
Wi-Fi Mesh
A WiFi Mesh or WiFi mesh network consists of a main router that connects directly to your modem and several satellite modules (or nodes), spread throughout your house to achieve complete WiFi coverage.
Unlike traditional WiFi routers, they are all part of a single wireless network and share the same SSID and password.