Post oppositions are the easiest: requirements, agenda, exams and more


Whether we are looking for our first job and if we want to change the current one, a good number of citizens in our country opt for oppositions. Although there are no easy calls, we can find some more accessible than others.

An example of all this is found in one of the simplest oppositions to approve, as many of those who have prepared them point. Specifically, we refer to the oppositions offered by the postal service in our country and that are practically at the reach of most Spaniards. Obviously, in order to access a position in this national service we must meet a series of requirements and prepare some tests that serve as a screening to select the most trained for the different positions that are offered.


Hence, a good number of citizens in our country are decided to prepare these mail opposition of what you need to introduce yourself to these.

Perhaps one of the greatest attractions offered by these oppositions that we mention, is that they are at the fingertips of the majority in terms of the required studies. At this point it should be noted that we are enough that we have the ESO or the school graduate to be able to present ourselves to the corresponding exam and access a position if we exceed it successfully. We tell you all this because we talk about an accessible level of studies for many in the times.

Agenda and exams to be overcome to approve

First of all we must be clear that for mail oppositions, calls for different positions usually appear. Depending on the one for which we present ourselves, the schedules, shifts and salaries vary slightly. Once we know all this, it is expected that by the present year 2025 will appear around 4000 new places for which we can present ourselves.


What is not yet known for sure is the date on which they will be launched, so we will have to be attentive over the coming months. Based on the calls of previous years, the new oppositions of 2025 will probably be launched in the second half of the year. Here we talk about salaries from 1200 euros with increases every 3 years, distributed in 14 pays.

To approve these oppositions that we tell you, we must take into consideration that the test is composed of 2 exams, a test theoretical and another psychotechnical. In addition, the total agenda is composed of 12 elections that we will have to prepare thoroughly if we want to approve. The number of Spanish citizens who appear to these particular oppositions increases over the years, so the competition is increasingly fierce to get the position of our dreams. This means that the better prepared we are, the more possibilities we will have to approve the oppositions we are talking about.

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