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An over- or under-synchronized brain may predict psychosis

Too strong or too weak interconnections between certain areas of the brain could be a reliable predictive marker of risk for psychosis and schizophrenia,...

Experts recommend how to take care of children’s diet in summer

Almost 40% of children aged 7 to 9 are obese, with biscuits, cocoa and dairy desserts being the main sources of added sugar intake....
Google search engine

Gemini 1.5 Flash arrives, Google’s AI is now much more powerful and precise

For the past few days we have been seeing the announcement of new AI models that aim to compete with the latest version of ChatGPT. If earlier this week...

A heat wave is coming, but with this program you will have a cool...

Summer is not only bad for people, it is also a terrible time for computer equipment. You have surely noticed how in summer the fans of your computer work...

Your Windows 11 has a new ad: this is the program it wants you...

Microsoft is determined to make us use all of its services, and it is very insistent in this regard. The latest update of Windows 11 and Windows 10 have...

Be careful if you have recently applied for unemployment benefits: the SEPE warns of...

Be careful if you have recently applied for unemployment benefits: the SEPE warns of a massive scam
Google search engine