Simyo manages to improve the speed at which it resolves its users’ breakdowns


We ask many things of an operator. And although offering great speed, good prices or quality customer service are important factors, the efficiency with which breakdowns or incidents that occur are repaired is also essential. In this sense, the latest Simyo report highlights how the operator has improved its results.

It is always good news to see that operators are outdoing themselves. In the case of troubleshooting, Simyo has not historically been one of the most efficient companies. But with its latest data in hand, we can see that they have managed to outdo themselves in a very positive way. This provides added confidence to their customers so that they know that they can rely on the operator on any occasion.

Much more optimistic objectives

Previously, Simyo’s target timeframe for repairing breakdowns was 72 hours. This forecast allowed them to be more flexible with respect to their objectives and thus not have to work as quickly as other operators or risk receiving bad reviews. However, the market average is 48 hours, so users wanted this to be reduced to be on the same level.

A girl checks her email on her laptop

As we can see in their latest service quality report, which covers data up to the end of March 2024, the repair target has finally reached the average. As can be read in the file, it is now 48 hours. And this is undoubtedly very good news.

What have been your latest results?

The report does not list every single breakdown or repair request that is recorded, but it does indicate what percentage of breakdowns have been resolved within the target time frame. It also indicates the maximum period that one of its customers has had to wait to have a breakdown resolved. The fact that these two pieces of information are published transparently in these reports is what, to a certain extent, leads operators to strive and surpass themselves in order to improve their data.

If we first talk about the percentage of repairs resolved within the 48-hour target set by Simyo, we find that it was 76%. The figure is slightly below the figures for the previous quarter, when 78% was achieved, but we must take into account that the operator has gone from a target of 72 to 48 hours. Therefore, if we do the math, we can see that this is a really significant improvement with respect to the activity and service they have provided in the past months.

A happy Simyo girl raising her arm

Moving on to the waiting time in the higher incidence, taking as a reference the 95th percentile of the maximum time quantified in days, Simyo has also improved its marks. In the previous year they had made people wait up to 6.92 days, which means a period of almost 168 hours. In comparison to this, their latest report reveals that the maximum waiting time has been 3.79 days, just over 90 hours. It continues to be a high figure compared to those of other operators, but the level of improvement they have enjoyed is truly worthy of praise.

Thanks to these results, it can be seen that Simyo is channelling its breakdown repair service in a suitable way. We will have to wait for the adjustments made to this data with the next review of exclusions and update that will be made in the report for the following quarter, but as of now, the results look very positive.

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