What happens if I am not at home to receive a Mercado Libre package?


Mercado Libre packages can be shipped mainly by two methods, and this will depend on the characteristics of the purchase and the agreement established between the buyer and the seller. It is necessary to be very clear about this at the time of purchase.

The two shipping methods to receive the Mercado Libre package are: shipments to branches of the same company and shipments through other channels. Among the latter is the method of receiving the package at home. If you want to know more about it, keep reading this.

How is the shipment of a package in Mercado Libre?

In the purchase and sale of each product in Mercado Libre there are several processes to consider. Communication between the buyer and the seller, an essential aspect; the payment method, whether it is by Mercado Pago or not, which has its consequences for the buyer.

The choice of the product in question, which will depend on the needs of the buyer; the shipment of the product or products, through Mercado Envios for which a label needs to be printed. These aspects, plus those mentioned in the previous paragraph, are the main ones in the execution of each purchase or sale on this platform.

Now, isolating the last factor to try to explain it, we have the shipment of a package in Mercado Libre. There are two main types of shipping, and both depend on what the buyer requires and what the seller can offer. That’s why you should know how to buy in Mercado Libre.

The shipment most recommended by Mercado Libre is the one made through the agencies or branches of this e-commerce company; this process is safer and involves better care.

I received a free market package

And the other shipment, not so recommended, is through the agreement made between the members of the purchase, that is, between the seller and the buyer; This process has many variables, and many take it because of the time and cost it requires.

How long does it take at home to receive a Mercado Libre package?

The time factor is one of the most important when making a purchase, regardless of the site and place of purchase. And it is that as buyers we want the product for which we are paying as soon as possible.

Delays in the delivery of packages in Mercado Libre cause inconvenience and annoyance on the part of the clients, especially on the part of the buyer. And it is not a whim to want to have in your hands the product for which you have already paid.

However. Beyond all the processes and procedures that a purchase includes, such as payment and its method, the time required to make the transaction effective and other factors, the buyer must wait the number of days established by the period for sending a package. .

In this sense, the package will take the necessary time to travel that distance by Mercado Libre staff and machinery to reach a branch; Likewise, it will take the necessary time to arrive at your home according to the means agreed between the buyer and seller.

What would happen if I am not at home to receive a Mercado Libre package?

It is important to note that, for greater security and peace of mind, the buyer can easily track or follow the purchase in Mercado Libre. And this regardless of the medium used; that is, if I use Mercado Envios or any other secure means, online platforms offer a mechanism to know the status of the shipment.

I received a package at home for buying in the free market

It should be noted that through the shipment process through the Mercado Libre platform, it is also possible to send the product from there (branch) to the residences or houses of the purchasing users.

Therefore, the process would be executed entirely by Mercado Libre, and it is a detail with an inherent guarantee.

In general, people who request their package to the address are at home when they receive it. But in the event that this does not happen and the product cannot be delivered, the package is directed to the sender. Once there, the buyer must contact the agency and then look for his package.

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