Taking paracetamol during pregnancy could alter fetal development

Paracetamol is one of the most used medications by pregnant women. A group of experts now warns that its consumption must be minimized during pregnancy due to its potential risks for fetal development.

During pregnancy there are some medications that cannot be taken because they could interfere with proper fetal development, hence pregnant women are limited to few options to calm most of the discomforts that accompany them in the nine months of pregnancy. Paracetamol or acetaminophen is one of the drugs allowed during pregnancy by both the EMA and the FDA as long as the instructions on the package insert are followed, hence it is estimated that it is used by practically half of the world’s pregnant women. However, a group of 13 scientists from various countries have just published a consensus document suggesting that it may not be as safe as thought for the fetus.

Taking paracetamol in pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of neurological, urogenital and reproductive problems in fetuses

The consensus document, published in the journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology and based on data from experimental research in animals and cells, has indicated that it is better not to take paracetamol during pregnancy if it is not strictly necessary or if its use is long-term, since could affect the fetus.

Specifically, they report that prenatal exposure to paracetamol can alter proper fetal development, considerably increasing the risk of neurological, reproductive and urogenital problems. Of 29 international studies studied, in 26 of them there were postnatal alterations associated with the consumption of paracetamol.

Experts call for caution, not paracetamol ban

“Current research has shown, for example, that the potential for harm appears to increase as the duration of acetaminophen use is prolonged. Pregnant women should consider using the medication for short-term pain management, rather than as a long-term solution. Its prolonged use or in high doses should be limited to the indications recommended by a health professional”, explains David M. Kristensen, director of the document.

“Pregnant women should consider using acetaminophen for short-term pain management, rather than as a long-term solution”

Despite the evidence, the authors emphasize that they are not asking for the drug to be prohibited during pregnancy, but they do recommend caution in its intake at the beginning of pregnancy, unless your doctor or pharmacist tells you so, in order to be able to Minimize fetal exposure to this drug.

On the other hand, they also ask that more meta-analyses be carried out on the subject, Shanna Swan, another of the scientists, has stated that “we ask for a focused research effort that must include the initiation of epidemiological and experimental studies to understand the hormonal mechanisms, epigenetic and metabolic factors through which paracetamol acts and that could adversely affect development”.


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