How to disable or disable F1 help key in Windows easily?


The keys in the first row of our computer or laptop are known as shortcuts and are called the function keys. This is why they all start with F and are followed by numbers ranging from 1 to 12. This causes inconvenience among users, so in this article, learn how to disable the F1 help key.

These keys each have specific functions from F1 to F12. You may or may not know all its advantages, the truth is that there is a specific one that is usually activated by itself or by mistake.

Although these keys work as shortcuts previously designated by the operating system that is installed, in this case Windows. Many of these have been overshadowed by new interfaces. Despite this, it never hurts to know what each one means. Maybe at some point you will need it.

function keys

Starting of course with the protagonist and the first in line, the F1 key is responsible for starting a help sale in the programs that are running at the moment. It’s called How to get help in Windows? And directs you to the help and support center.

The how to get help window in Windows is like a Bing search that can even start by itself or by accident when you press that key. This is why many users want to disable the F1 help key. Since, once activated, it can cause delays while the page loads, only to have it close immediately, which is a bit annoying.

In addition to the function keys, the keyboard also has special keys that you can turn on or off.

white f1 key

The other function keys

It is good to have a guide at hand that tells you what each key is for or the function for which it was created. If one catches your attention, and in fact you do not have it activated, you can still do it. These are the tasks you can do with the other keys:

  • With F2 you can change the name of any folder or document you choose, F3 is for wherever we are, open the search menu.
  • F5 sure you know it and it is one to which we give the most utility, which is, refresh the browser screen. F6 is good for when you’re on the web because pressing it will end up at the URL of the main tab.
  • If you are working on a document, F7 is quite useful, since it works as a dictionary, that is, it does a grammar check. While still in a Word document, with F8 you can select the text and if you hold it down at system startup, it will start a safe mode.
  • The F9 has many functions within the office suite, first if you are in Word you can update the document. And with Excel, you can recalculate a formula. Finally, you can start presentations in Coral Draw as if it were Power Point.
  • F10 is a shortcut to the navigation bar. F11 works so that, being in the browser you can return a tab to full screen, with F11 you can also restart your computer. And the last F12 you can automatically save as Word or Excel documents. And also, view a file on the internet in its HTML code.

hands typing

Ways to disable the F1 help key in Windows 10

There are, in fact, several reasons why this function activates itself and several solutions to disable the help F1 key. It may be that your system has some wrong configuration or that the key is stuck. In this case, it is best to go check your keyboard and rule out possibilities.

To disable the F1 key through the system or registry and leave it that way indefinitely, the steps are as follows:

  • Click “Start” on the desktop and go to “Run” and type “REGEDIT” to open the registry editor.
  • Open this code “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNlaSvcParametersInternet”. In the window on the right, double click on “EnableActiveProbing” and a smaller window will open.
  • Where it says “Value data” change the number to 0, press “Ok” and close the registration window. Now, you just have to restart Windows and that’s it, you will have managed to disable the F1 help key.

When using these keys, it is important that you check which keyboard you are working with and what the functions of each of these are.

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