Learning to code can be fun, these games prove it


Whether for personal or more professional reasons, at this moment many users decide to enter the exciting world of software programming. There are many ways to get started in the programming industry, some more bearable and entertaining than others.

The truth is that right now we have a huge number of sources and ways to start becoming a programmer of the future. Sometimes we make this decision out of curiosity, or to increase our technological knowledge. But there are also many others who want to carve out a professional future and be part of a software development company. The first thing we should know is that this is a software sector that can be exciting, although it is not easy.

It is also important to know that many companies are looking for programmers of a higher or lower level to be part of their projects. Hence, this can be an excellent professional opportunity and also very interesting if we like all of it. We must bear in mind that, unlike just a few years ago, the Internet now offers us a multitude of ways that will help us. With this, what we want to tell you is that we have at our fingertips all kinds of courses, tutorials in the form of videos, digital books and even large communities that are delighted to help us.

But if you want to delve into this world of programming in a slightly more entertaining way, we can do it through certain games. And it is that some developers offer us their own platforms and games so that we can start in the world of development in a much more enjoyable way. Even many of these projects are more than suitable for the smallest of the house and so they can start learning the basics of programming.


First of all, we find an entertaining title focused on strategy, which, although simple, will help us to start with Javascript or Python. Basically it is a game that we use over the Internet and we become a magician. The funny thing about all this is that hello here the different spells that we use are actually programming scripts that will help us to start creating our own algorithms. These will help us to solve the game’s puzzles and evolve.

code combat programming

Blocky Games

Here we use another game that is somewhat less graphic than the previous one but that we can delve into the world of programming with this set of educational titles. The operation of the different projects that we find here is based on an entertaining and visual learning through blocks. This is a valid software to start in this sector both for those who do not have any experience, and for children. Actually, these games will help us to understand the basic structures to later focus on different languages.

Blockly Games programming


This is another very interesting option to learn programming in a more entertaining way. In fact, here we find a more than interesting option if we want to focus on the Java programming language. Thanks to this project we will have the chance to program a tank to compete against others and win. All this in order to learn Java little by little.


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