Moringa, custard apple and mashua show promise against colorectal cancer

Cherimoya, moringa and Andean mashua seem to have beneficial effects on health, as they could reduce cancer cells by up to 50% and could improve the effectiveness of a drug against colorectal cancer.

Some fruits contain beneficial compounds for health, and that is why they are targets in the study of new formulas to overcome diseases such as cancer. The latest discovery in this field indicates that cherimoya, moringa and mashua could be beneficial in the fight against cancer, since it seems that they reduce cancer cells in cell culture by up to 50% and that they are capable of helping to increase the effectiveness of a drug used for colorectal cancer.

The research in question, which has been carried out by researchers from the University of Granada (UGR), has analyzed the antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of these three types of plants whose seeds come from Ecuador, where their cultivation and consumption are very common among the population.

Specifically, the effects of the compounds of these three plants –which have been extracted thanks to the use of ethanol– have been analyzed in the inhibition of growth and proliferation of tumor cells of colorectal cancer cell lines, in tests carried out in the laboratory.

These plants would help treat and prevent colorectal cancer

The results, which have been published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, have shown that mashua, custard apple and moringa can eliminate up to half of cancer cells, all of which has been observed at low doses and in cultures cell phones. In addition, it had a key role in preventing damage to healthy cells, so it could also be a good way to avoid this health problem.

Taking moringa, mashua and custard apple may increase the effectiveness of 5-fluorouracil, a drug commonly used to treat colorectal cancer

The researchers found that the intake of moringa, custard apple and mashua enhanced the activity of the drug 5-fluorouracil, one of the most currently used in the treatment of colorectal cancer. These findings are the first stone to clarify some unknowns about the beneficial properties of many plants that are consumed persistently and in high quantities, as is the case of the three plants analyzed.

“Traditional medicine is highly used in Ecuador for its cultural value and for the benefits it can provide, but the mechanisms with which the different plant compounds act are still unknown,” explained Marco Fuel, one of the researchers participating in the study, therefore, more studies should be carried out in this regard with which the lives of many people in the future can be improved.


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