Healthy living

Walking for 30 minutes reduces the risk of death after a stroke by 54%

People who walk or work in the garden at least three or four hours a week, or ride a bicycle two or three hours a week, after surviving a stroke, may...

Exercise improves cognitive function after breast cancer

They find an association between high levels of physical exercise and better cognitive function in patients with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy, since this activity could have protective effects on the...

Exercising during pregnancy favors the baby’s lung function

Exercising during pregnancy can improve a baby's lung function and prevent asthma, according to a study that reveals that children of inactive mothers have lower lung function at three months of...

Exercising could reduce the risk of anxiety by 60%

Performing physical exercise on a regular basis, especially if the activity is of high intensity, could help reduce the risk of developing an anxiety disorder by up to 60%, according to...

They discover how muscles regenerate after an injury

They identify a new mechanism by which the body quickly and efficiently repairs muscle damage in minor injuries, such as those induced by exercise, and which is independent of muscle fibers. ...

Sport improves school performance and children’s brain health

Practicing physical exercise in childhood and adolescence has been shown to help improve academic performance, the endocrine function of adipose tissue and the molecular function of the brain, according to a...

Doing moderate or strenuous exercise relieves anxiety symptoms

Exercising, whether moderate or strenuous, for a period of 3 months can help relieve symptoms of anxiety, even if it is a chronic disorder, which makes it a habit to adopt...

Exercise Increases Endocannabinoids That Reduce Inflammation

Regular exercise causes the body to secrete endocannabinoids, natural substances similar to cannabis that help reduce inflammation and treat problems such as arthritis or heart disease. ...

A smartwatch could detect COVID-19 days before you have symptoms

They create an algorithm for smart watches that analyzes heart rate as an indicator of physiological and mental stress, and that could alert users that they are getting sick, for example...

10 minutes of moderate running improves mood and cognitive function

Running for as little as 10 minutes at a moderate intensity could have great mental benefits, as it activates the brain's bilateral prefrontal cortex, improving mood and cognitive function. ...

Researchers reveal how exercise protects against the impact of aging

They discover that physical exercise protects against the negative effects of aging, such as diabetes, thanks to the enzyme NOX-4, which will allow the creation of drugs to promote its activity...

Not all calories burned are real and not all reduce weight

To lose weight, many people focus on exercising, but a study has found that this is not enough, since the calories expended with activity do not always increase the total calories...

Mild COVID can cause mobility problems in people over 50

Those over 50 years of age who overcome mild or moderate COVID-19 have a higher risk of having mobility problems in simple daily tasks, even if they have not been hospitalized...

Aerobic exercise relieves dryness and itchy eyes

Aerobic exercise significantly increases tear secretion and tear film stability, so it could serve as a natural remedy to relieve dry and itchy eyes. Aerobic...

Lifting weights just three seconds a day improves muscle strength

Doing weight-bearing exercises, contracting muscles with maximum effort for just three seconds, can help improve muscle strength in four weeks, a Japanese study reveals. There...

Exercising after getting the COVID vaccine increases antibodies

Practicing 90 minutes of mild to moderate intensity exercise after getting vaccinated against COVID-19 or the flu could increase the levels of antibodies produced, reinforcing protection against these infections. ...

Haskap berries improve the performance of endurance runners

Those known as Haskap berries or blue honeysuckle, a fruit similar to blueberries, could have benefits for endurance runners, since according to a study they improve running performance by up to...

Do you like coffee and dark chocolate? The reason is in your genes

For tastes the colors... or the genes. And, a new study has found that people who like to drink their coffee black also prefer dark chocolate. The reason is...

Healthy diet in early pregnancy associated with less gestational diabetes

Obese or overweight women who follow a healthy diet in early pregnancy may reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus, thus avoiding its associated problems for mother and baby. ...

Grapes May Lower Bad Cholesterol and Protect Heart Health

Taking grapes regularly for four weeks helps to take care of the health of the heart, reducing the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) thanks to the improvements of the bacteria of...

Dried goji berries could protect against macular degeneration

Eating a handful of goji berries regularly could help prevent the development of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly. ...

Magnesium is key for the immune system and for fighting cancer

To fight pathogens and cancer cells, the T cells of the immune system need adequate levels of magnesium in the blood, a finding that may help improve cancer immunotherapy. ...

They create oleogels to make sausages without saturated fats

The CSIC develops oleogels (liquid vegetable oils) that act as substitutes for saturated fats in the preparation of sausages and breads, which reduces the cardiovascular risks associated with this type of...

Drinking soft drinks during pregnancy increases the risk of ADHD in children

Pregnant women who drink soft drinks with sugar every day have a 15% to 21% greater risk of their children having six or more symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ...

Diet rich in flavonoids improves survival in Parkinson’s

Parkinson's patients who include three or more servings of flavonoid-rich foods, such as apples, berries, tea, or orange juice, in their diet improve their chances of living longer. ...

They find two ways to end peanut allergies in children

Two treatments for peanut allergy in children can induce remission so they can eat peanuts safely: oral immunotherapy – gradual introduction of the allergenic food – and its combination with a...

Selenium could curb memory loss and the effects of stroke

Eating foods rich in selenium, such as meat, cereals or nuts, could help slow the effects of aging on memory, as well as reverse the negative cognitive impact after suffering a...

Only 13.6% of products advertised as a Mediterranean diet are

Most of the foods and drinks that are advertised as 'Mediterranean' are not included in the nutritional pyramid of the Mediterranean diet. According to a study, only 13.6% of those...

The ingestion of microplastics alters the intestinal microbiota

The digestion of microplastics ingested with the diet causes a reduction in the diversity of the colon microbiota –a set of beneficial bacteria in the intestine–, in addition to altering the...

New clues in the brain link pain and eating behavior

An area of ​​the brain involved in decision-making – the nucleus accumbens – plays a key role in the eating behavior of patients with chronic pain and may influence the development...