Does it really protect you to remove JavaScript from the browser?


To improve security when browsing the Internet and avoid cyber attacks, we can take into account certain aspects. One of them is to disable the browser’s JavaScript. Now, to what extent does this protect us when sailing? We are going to talk about it in this article. We are going to explain how it works exactly and why it is something that users are increasingly taking into account and the browsers themselves make it easier to configure it.

Disable JavaScript to improve security

Hackers use many methods and tactics to infect systems, steal data and passwords. One of them is inserting malicious JavaScript code into web pages. This means that, when we enter one that has been attacked, our data can be compromised without us realizing it.

This is why most browsers today allow you to disable JavaScript. However, this may affect navigation, since certain elements of the websites may be based on this code. However, you can always configure exceptions so that it does not act on certain pages. For example, it is used to display images, maps, and other plugins.

But beyond the fact that it can affect navigation, does disabling JavaScript really protect us? We can say yes and no, since it is not an all or nothing. On the one hand, it is true that disabling JavaScript will prevent us from being affected by the injection of malicious code that an attacker may have placed on a website. But on the other hand, really hackers are going to have more options to attack than just using malicious JavaScript code.

Therefore, disabling JavaScript in the browser can be a partial solution to improve security, but you will not be protected by it alone. In addition, you must take into account the cost of the browsing experience, since you may have problems correctly displaying certain web pages. You can always disable JavaScript in Chrome or Firefox.

What to do to navigate safely

So what can we do to browse safely regardless of JavaScript? The most important thing of all is going to be common sense and not make mistakes. Most computer attacks occur due to some mistake made by users. For example, clicking on the wrong place, downloading a dangerous file, etc. If you avoid all this, you will have less chance of being attacked.

It is also important to be careful with browser extensions. It is always advisable to download them from official sources. Through this type of software, hackers can sneak malware and spy on us, steal passwords, data, etc. Therefore, you should always install them from secure sites.

In addition, it is essential to protect security with a good antivirus. There are many options, both free and paid; but you should always choose very well which one to install and that there are no problems. Likewise, having the system updated will help you correct many vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

In short, disabling JavaScript in the browser has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s partly a good thing for security, but you’re not really going to be fully protected by this alone. You must take other additional measures to avoid computer attacks.

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