How to apply for a personal or mortgage loan in Santander in Mexico and the requirements


Everyone sets goals in their life. Many times related to having a family, having your own house or car, even your own business, but many times these goals are made a bit difficult by not having enough money.

That is why many turn to the banking system for a loan to achieve the goal they want. However, you always have to look for information and be prepared to be sure that the loan can be repaid.

That is why in this article we are going to show you in a simple way everything you need to know about personal loans or Mortgages from Banco Santander de México. Surely this information will be useful to you when requesting them, so read carefully what we are going to show you next.

What is a personal and mortgage loan?

First of all, you must know certain terms to better understand what you want to acquire. A personal loan is an operation or type of credit where a bank lends a certain amount of money to a natural person.

This type of loan differs from other types such as fast line loans mainly because there is no guarantee of payment from the person requesting it. For this reason, he is told that it is a personal loan and the money must be repaid with interest on a scheduled date.

woman using a computer and holding a card

On the other hand, a mortgage is a service where money is received from a bank in order to build or restore a property. This type of credit has great advantages and that is why it is convenient to acquire it.

However, if you are not careful with the fees, it can become a complete headache. If you are in a similar situation and want to know a way to pay your mortgage quickly, our website has information that can help you a lot.

Banco Santander México: How to apply for a loan and what is required?

First of all, the Santander bank in Mexico is one of the most important financial institutions in that country, and it is also the one that offers the best loans, so if you need a mortgage then this option is the ideal one for you.

personal loan requirements

You must have an age between 21 and 81 years, you must have a minimum income of 7,500,000 pesos, have been working for at least 2 uninterrupted years and, in the case of being an independent worker, you must present records of Have stable income for at least 2 years.

On the other hand, you must have a valid voting card (INE/IFE), a passport or FM2 if you are a foreigner, proof of current address including a receipt for some basic service and the status of your bank account.

Once you have completed the requirements, you should go to the banking institution to make the request and wait for the time it takes to accept it.

mortgage loan requirements

First, the bank must verify that 30% of the person’s income will be used to pay the mortgage. If you are a worker with a salary, you must have a minimum of 2 years in the job that can be verified.

santander bank logo

In addition, it is very important not to have any arrears in any other credit payment, or any credit card or any other departmental card or basic service. The authorization of the credit will always depend on the evaluation of the bank.

To make these types of loans, it is important to provide all the information that confirms that you have a good payment capacity. A good way to increase your chances is to maintain a good credit history, not over-indebt yourself and review the home, its location and the quality of its services.

Among the documentation, those already mentioned in the personal loan must be included, and a document that guarantees the marital status of the person requesting the loan must also be included. It is important to note that the process lasts about a month after submitting the documentation.

Buying a house is an important decision. That is why choosing well is fundamental, many buy houses shipped by the bank, but will it be a good decision? We will give you the answer.

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