It often happens that due to the various occupations of the day to day, users of social networks such as Facebook leave aside for later, responding to the messages sent by clients, friends or followers. In this article, we’ll show you how to set up an autoresponder on personal Facebook Messenger, while still giving you the time to reply back personally.
In the early stages of the emergence of social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., the connection through these networks was basically from desktop computers: computers and laptops.
With the vertiginous advance of technology and the introduction of smart mobile devices: Android, iOS, among others, now social networks go where people go, and interconnection is immediate.
If, on the other hand, you no longer want to answer anyone or the constant messages bother you, you have the option to exit and leave the chat.
people want answers
Whoever contacts you through messaging, in this case Facebook, whether it’s a friend, family member, relative, client or fan, does so looking for a response from you. Letting time go by without responding, in addition to being a sign of rudeness, can mean losing a potential client and a business in the making.
Once you send a message you have the possibility to know if someone has read your message.
Not responding at the moment can be due to innumerable causes: the person is busy at that moment, in a meeting, in a particular activity that prevents him from accessing Messenger.
But it happens that the interlocutor needs to know that he is taken into account, that his attempt at communication is not neglected. Hence, Facebook, always looking for a way to meet this type of requirement, has created an automatic response function to be used in this type of eventuality.
Here we will simply show you how to set up an automatic response in personal Facebook Messenger, which will get you out of this kind of trouble, when a client, friend, family member or fan tries to contact you.
In order to communicate faster, without having to be distracted, it is through voice notes, if you do not know how to download voice notes, learn how to do it here.
How to set up an automatic reply on personal Facebook Messenger?
The messages or automatic written responses that are sent instantly, when someone tries to contact us through Facebook messaging. They work as a first advanced response to the recipient before a message whose concern deserves to be addressed.
Steps to enable automatic replies
Step 1: The first thing to do is open Facebook and locate the fans Page you want to configure. Step 2: Click on the “Settings” option located at the top area of the page. Activate the “Messages” alternative located in the column to the left. Step 3: Activate the “Yes” option, located under Answer Assistant. This option appears attached to “Send instant responses”.
Step 4: If you want to customize the message that will be offered as an automatic response, press the “Change” option. Using your keyboard you will be able to write the appropriate message to what you want. Then you click “Save” and that’s it, you’ve already configured an automatic response. This is how here we show you how to configure an automatic response in personal Facebook Messenger.
If we are already tired of using this application and we want to assume the control of the answers ourselves or through a third party that is in charge of it, we must follow the following steps to disable this function.
Steps to disable automatic replies
Step 1: Go to the “Settings” option, which, as already explained, is at the top of the page. Step 2: Activate the “Messages” option located in the column to the left. Locate where it says “Response assistant”, and press activate the “No” option attached to the “Send instant responses” function, and voila, it is deactivated.
In short, for some users it may seem trivial that here we are discussing the issue of how to set up an automatic response on personal Facebook Messenger. However, details such as whether or not to activate an autoresponder can make the difference between success or not.
Always remember that the secret of success lies in the small details. People appreciate, even if it is an automatic response, when they perceive that the interlocutor is interested in your concerns. Never underestimate these seemingly inconsequential options that Facebook offers you.
In addition to sending automatic replies, you can also share and send your location on Facebook Messenger, instead of typing an address.