Why does my cell phone get very hot when I play games and how to fix it?


In today’s article we are going to see why my phone gets very hot when I play and how to fix it. This is something more common than you imagine and we are going to talk about this topic in detail below.

It is not at all strange that when we play and the android or iPhone gets too hot, this is something that also happens on any computer or tablet and also the top of my cell phone may also get hot and turn off quickly. Games are generally what require the most resources to run.

Therefore, we are going to try to explain it in a simple and concise way. The more resources a game or an app consumes, the device must increase the power that it regularly uses to push the hardware to the limit or not, depending on the app or game, for it to work properly.

The problem is that, the heavier a game is, the more resources it needs to work, the more power, and this obviously raises the temperature of its components, which will make the cell phone heat up more than normal.

How can we solve this problem? We will talk about this topic in detail a little further down. Everything will depend on different factors, but once you finish reading the article it will be clear to you what and what you cannot do.

person with overheated mobile

Why does my phone get hot when I play games?

Your device getting too hot when gaming isn’t really a big deal, especially if the game you’re running requires a lot of hardware power.

There are games that have poor graphics or have very few effects on the screen. Obviously you can’t compare a Candy Crush with another game like Fortnite, it’s clear that the second requires more resources to work.

The more resources a game requires, the more power the phone will use and get much hotter. In addition, that the battery lasted less than you imagine.

Therefore, if you are running a heavy game, which has a high graphical load and a lot of screen effects, it is quite common for the phone to heat up. In case you are not running a game that asks for many requirements, then the problem may be something else.

person playing on a mobile

My cell phone gets too hot when playing, how to fix it?

The first thing is to be aware of what we are doing as I mentioned above. If you run a game or app that must consume a lot of resources to work, you will not be able to do anything when the cell phone gets very hot when I play because it is normal, you can only avoid overheating of the laptop, for example, since it also occurs in computers.

But if the app or game you are running does not have a very high graphical load and the device gets too hot. Then it may be a hardware problem or a problem with the code of the application in question.

The first thing you should do is check what applications you have open and close them one by one, wait a moment and check if the temperature of your device is returning to normal.

Another option you have is to look at the battery graphs, since the apps or games that generate a lot of temperature on our mobile also use up a lot of battery and you should make the most of the battery life. So from Settings> Battery you will be able to see which of all the apps is consuming the most.

In case you do not find anything, we have the option to see which app is generating more load in the device memory. For this we must go to Developer Options > Process Statistics.

What we will never be able to recommend is to use applications to “lower the temperature” of your device. They work in the same way as the apps to “Save battery” in many cases end up being more harmful than you imagine.

Remember that if you have any kind of doubt or problem when it comes to verifying why my cell phone gets very hot when I play and how to solve it. You can leave it in the comment box that you will find a little further down.

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