How to verify my DiDi account easily?


To register and reach be a DiDi driver, a Chinese private transportation company requires compliance with many requirements at the level of exams, documents and investigation, both of the driver and of the car; as well as verify your DiDi account.

Once everyone is approved, you can start; however, even if some candidates succeed, these can be suspended at any time if they are reported by inappropriate behaviors or other reasons.

Today there are unscrupulous people who offer sales accounts to be used as if they were legal and offer the transportation service; the prices are different depending on the class to obtain, that is, if you have your own car or not. It is evident that they are acquired by individuals who do not pass the requirementswhich translates into difficulty in verifying DiDi accounts.

How do I register on DiDi as a driver?

To register as a driver in the DiDi private transport company, you need meet certain requirements; the first is to enter and download the corresponding application, through a smartphone; You put your name, email, phone number and bank information.

Next, certain identification documents such as digital seal, current electronic signature, driver’s license, background, car insurance, among others; that they can demand as long as they are necessary.

In addition to the requirements of the car, which are also very particular and specific; this way there will be no difficulty in verifying the corresponding account.

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Is it important that drivers respect the rules to which they are subject?

Obviously yes; future drivers must enter all required documentation and have it approved; as well as they must carefully read and interpret the rules and circumstances to which they must submit; above all accept themsince otherwise they cannot take advantage of and use the service of the company.

Therefore, if the driver starts using the service, then it is assumed that he has accepted all the limits demarcated for that moment; which can be adjusted in the future as appropriate; if you do not accept or there is any type of fault, violation or disobedience on the part of the driver, the company will suspend all types of assistance and benefits for the same.

How to verify my DiDi account easily?

It is evident that as long as all the requirements are fulfilled both personal and those required by the car, the driver will not have any problem to fulfill his daily activities; and thus be able to verify at all times what refers to your DiDi account in a legal and easy way; as well as offering the private transportation service to users who have requested it and earn money on DiDi.

The company is constantly in charge of carrying out safety tests in relation to drivers who use their own cars; and that they have been approved for fulfilling what is necessary.

All possible technology is applied, such as face identification, documents that are always being updated, photographs, among other security systems; in this way it they can immobilize and hamper bad accounts.

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Finally, getting company approval is known to take time; and the requirement of the papers makes the process somewhat complicated, in addition there are no guarantees DiDi can reject you, this leads some characters to go to the illegal purchase of accounts for drivers.

This is not counting the famous blacktrust psychometric test, which is applied, for example, in Mexico; where many do not comply with the result.

That is why the company always recommends that customers must check the data that the application sends them in relation to the characteristics of the car and the driver, once it arrives at the initial collection point and subsequent transfer to its final destination; In this way, confusion and misuse of the accounts of legally certified drivers can be avoided.

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