Google has a serious competitor, Perplexity and its artificial intelligence


Over the last few months we have been seeing some interesting proposals to hold conversations thanks to artificial intelligence systems. In this case we are going to talk about Perplexity, a platform that wants to unseat Google in everything related to searches and that you will surely love.

It is not necessary to tell you at this point that Google is the search engine par excellence that most of us have used on the Internet for years. But over the last few months, some proposals have been appearing that want to compete directly with it. For all this they use their own artificial intelligence to help us with all the issues and questions that may arise while we navigate.

Surely in recent times you have heard a lot about ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence platform that does not stop improving and growing to offer us all kinds of answers. However, despite being the most popular AI conversational service, it also has certain limitations. Obviously, it is expected that they will be corrected shortly, but for example, to date, it only offers us answers and information prior to the year 2021. It is because of all of me that we are going to talk about a very interesting as well as powerful alternative. , specifically we refer to Perplexity.

This is a platform very similar to the one mentioned that has recently been updated and that will try to unseat the giant Google. It is true that this is a highly complicated task, but at least they will try to attract as many users as possible.

perplexity interface

It must be taken into account that we are referring to an AI-based tool that works very smoothly and to which we can ask anything for an answer.

Ask Perplexity, its AI knows everything

In this particular case, we must bear in mind that we are dealing with an artificial intelligence system that presents us with updated answers. What we really want to tell you with this is that the information it provides us is current, contrary to what, for example, happens with the aforementioned ChatGPT. In addition, in terms of its use we will not have any problem since it presents us with a user interface similar to the search giant that we mentioned before.

We find a search box in which we can start the conversation in different languages, including Spanish. In addition, the answers that it presents to us are extracted from various sources that it specifies at the bottom of it. As you can imagine, these sources are very varied so that we can obtain the best response and as quickly as possible.

perplexity fonts

In turn, together with these sources we find other possible issues related to our question. This could be considered one of the strengths of the platform, since this way we can keep the thread of the conversation going with new issues that we raise, all related.

In order to take full advantage of Perplexity and its artificial intelligence in the language of Cervantes, we only have to ask in it. In addition, to offer their answers they use sources from the region, how could it be otherwise.

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