What do you have to do if the ATM does not give you the money?


Like everything in life, it can also happen that the ATM does not give you the money you requested. It is possible that it has never happened to you, but it is better to know how you have to act at the moment in which this situation happens to you in which you do not receive the money you wanted.

More and more users stop withdrawing money from ATMs when using services like Bizum. However, it is still necessary to carry something with us in cash to make payments when it is not possible with a card. The problem with this is that ATMs can also fail, so it is possible that at some point they will not deliver your money.

The money does not come out of the ATM

By mistake, it may happen that the ATM does not give you the money you requested. Depending on how it happens, the problem may not be that big, but in other cases it may happen that the money goes down from the account and you do not receive it or until you get another amount than what you requested from the cashier.

The main danger of money not coming out after making the movement is that it is a scam, but in other cases it will be a simple system error because it has run out of bills or it is an operational failure of the ATM.

ATM malware

However, it must be checked that the ATM has not been fraudulently manipulated. The technique used by criminals is to block the cash dispenser with a technique known as cash trapping. This method causes users to think it’s a technical glitch, so they leave, but then the thief unlocks the dispenser to make off with the money.

how to act

In case you have to go through this situation, these are the best ways to act:

  • Check that the cash exit slot is not blocked.

  • If it occurs and the branch office is open, inform one of the employees of the problem. If it is closed, call the telephone number that appears for incidents or contact your bank to offer you a solution.
  • If when trying to withdraw money the cash does not come out, request a receipt for the operation.
  • Check if after the attempt to withdraw money the movement has been made in your checking account. If so, you will have to claim the bank.

The best thing is to do it at the moment so that the incident is recorded and get a solution as soon as possible, especially if the transaction has been posted in your bank account. In addition, all these same options are the same that we must carry out in the event that the money that the ATM gives you is less than the amount you requested.

Finally, remember that most banks allow a period of 40 seconds to withdraw the card. Otherwise, you’ll keep it. This mechanism is established for security reasons to prevent any illicit use of it by third parties in the event that a person has forgotten the card after withdrawing cash.

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