This extension allows you to analyze and find out what is that song that is playing in Google Chrome


Next, we are going to talk about an application that originally appeared for mobile devices and that was a real revolution when it was launched. We refer to that app that by itself identifies the musical themes to show us their title and author on the screen.

This is a utility that has been with us for several years now but on many occasions it is still quite surprising. And it is that in a matter of seconds the application is able to identify, with just a few tones, which song is playing at that moment. It is quite likely that many of you have used the Shazam app countless times.

In fact, we can find it in a good part of the mobile devices that we use today. Thus, from the telephone we have the opportunity to identify any musical theme that we find wherever we are. It is enough that we start the application as such and press the main button on it to start it up. In most cases, although sometimes it fails, we will obtain the author and title of that song in a matter of seconds.

When we talk about Shazam failing, we mean that it is not able to identify the song, or it offers us another wrong one. But these are the least times, it must be admitted. In addition, it offers us some of the most important music streaming platforms where to play them. This will be extremely useful for us since we can add those musical themes directly to our playlists in these online services. But due to its enormous popularity, this is a utility that we can also take advantage of on our desktop computers.

How to use Shazam in Chrome to identify music

With this, what we want to tell you is that in addition to the mobile phone, we have the possibility of identifying songs directly from our PC. And it is that the platform that we are talking about, Shazam, offers us its own extension that we can install in the Internet browser, Google Chrome.

As is usual with this type of add-on that we install in the search giant’s browser, its installation is extremely simple. All we have to do is download the extension from the official Chrome store and add it to the program as such.

Shazam Chrome

In addition, its mode of operation is just as easy once we have added the extension to the program. At the moment in which we are playing a musical theme in Chrome, we only have to click on the button corresponding to the complement. It will automatically start working trying to detect the musical theme that is being played in the active window of the web browser.

If it is successful and identifies the musical theme, the Shazam extension offers us a link to Apple’s streaming music platform for playback. Obviously, it will also show us interesting information about the song, such as its author, title, and album cover. Therefore, and as we can see first-hand, the use of this element to detect music will be as simple in Chrome as when we carry it out on our mobile phone.

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