Looking for a job? Use these tips in ChatGPT to write the perfect (and undetectable) cover letter


Among all the Artificial Intelligence tools that have been bursting onto the market in recent months, ChatGPT has become one of the best known when it comes to generative Artificial Intelligence. In addition to using it to learn languages, translate texts or write content for our blog, ChatGPT can become our perfect ally when we are actively looking for work. We tell you how.

Depending on the sector and the country, cover letters can be a mere formality or a key opportunity to stand out above the rest of the profiles professionals and capture the attention of the interviewer. Therefore, and given its importance, it is important to structure this document well and specifically define all the information that we want to appear.

ChatGPT can be of great help to us for this. But, to obtain a good result, it is recommended that we do guide throughout the entire process. Below, we have selected which are the main indications that we should use in order to obtain the desired result.

Explain to ChatGPT what the task and role will be

One of the main complaints that users have when they start using ChatGPT is that they cannot understand their orders and create the appropriate content for them. ChatGPT is an exceptionally useful tool, but we must know how to use it. Therefore, the first thing we are going to do is explain to him the role we want him to assume from now on.

To do this, we can start like this: “From now on, you are going to write a cover letter with which to apply for an editor position available in a media called ADSLZone. I need you to help me write a cover letter that is unique. You’ve understood?”

As we can see, ChatGPT immediately assumes the proactivity of moving forward with the work and starting to write something generic. However, we are going to go step by step to avoid two things: One, that the letter is detectable, which has been written by AI. Two, that it fails to stand out or is not specific enough.

Information from our experience

Once we get to this point, we need to provide ChatGPT with some information about our experience and, in case we have some more information about the role we are choosing, it is also the right time.

To do this, we are going to use this model:

“My name is [Nombre] and I’m [Profesión]. Have [número] years and I think I fit the position because I have worked in similar roles before. Have [número] of years of experience in the sector, having been part of organizations such as [Empresa 1], [Empresa 2] and [Empresa 3].”

We must ensure that we provide all possible information about our professional journey.

List of issues

Once we have defined the role to which we want to apply and we have shared the most relevant information from our profile, we can use ChatGPT knowledge to recommend a list of questions that contain relevant information, which should then be reflected in the letter if necessary.

In this case, these have been the questions that you have asked us for this position in question. Not all information must later transmitted to the editorial office, but there must be the one that both ChatGPT and we consider to be more important for whatever reason.

Defining the structure

Although ChatGPT may have good writing, not always right with the structure depending on what type of work. For this reason, we must also introduce the desired structure based on the different characteristics that can determine it.

We may, for example, ask you to do the following:

“I would like the structure to be as follows:
– A first part in which the formal greeting is made and, later, some information about the position is introduced. For example, I think a good expression could be “Since I saw the position on LinkedIn, I immediately started looking for more information about the company because I saw that it fit perfectly with the role you are looking for.”

– Next, a second part in which my professional experience, the companies in which I have worked and my years of experience must be valued.

– To conclude, I would like to use terms like “excited” or “excitement” to show that working at ADSL Zone could be the job opportunity that I have been looking for for so long.”

The result

Once we have entered all the information and defined the structure, it only remains to see the result. We can also test what ChatGPT’s initial idea was once we have given it the first order and how the final cover letter has been adapted as we have given more information.

In the event that the final result does not convince us or we have forgotten some information, we can enter more data or make changes to our liking through simple commands, like the ones we have used.

In any case, it is important that any idea we have regarding the content we want to create is let’s explain clearly to ChatGPT to avoid diverting our attention. Furthermore, following a structure very similar to this one, we can also work with ChatGPT to write our resume, a message to a recruiter or any other action that we have to do to continue searching for the job of our dreams.

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