You can end up paying 30 euros more on your mobile bill and it is totally legal


There are many users up in arms against telephone operators. You always try to find the best and cheapest options when you want to hire a service, but the problem is when you find an increase in your bill and you don’t know where it came from. So much so that for some reason you can pay more for your bill without realizing it.

There are mechanisms with which companies can make changes to invoices when uploading them. But the problem is when you are not aware of that sudden increase and that is when the calls and investigations on your own arrive to find out where those thirty extra euros come from that make you pay more without you knowing what it is.

Can a company raise my rate without knowing?

This is the question that many ask and it is totally normal. Paying about 30 euros more on your bill is not pleasant, but it is even less pleasant if that price is a ‘hidden’ increase that you do not know where it comes from. As we have told you before, an operator can charge you more in your rate unilaterally and to do so it must notify you before making that change effective.


And this should not be done just in any way, since the operator has to put this information on paper and be directed to the owner of the line. Otherwise, it is most likely a scam or scam, so we recommend that you ignore these instructions. Therefore, if it happens to you, what you should do is contact the company through official channels and verify if the information is true.

Phantom subscriptions

However, paying more for your rate does not necessarily mean that the operator will increase the cost of your fiber or mobile contract. To this day, there are information services that you can access without you knowing and which are called ‘subscriptions’. You probably know them from the times when cell phones had buttons, where you could receive information via Premium SMS on some topics that might interest you.

Information is now much more accessible than ever, but these practices are legal and still in operation. Therefore, the most important thing is that you be careful where you browse and where you click in each session, since there are ads that activate these services without you realizing it.

Like that, without further ado. There is no registration for a message, the creation of a user, a contract of acceptance of the previous service… just one click, no matter how involuntary, activates that service and the worst thing is that it is legal. You will also not find out that you have subscribed beyond the fact that the bill increases every month and you do not receive any message from that supposed service that you are supposed to have contracted.

Be careful where you navigate

At this point you may think that it is very easy to fall into these deceptions. According to what the Internet User Security Office (OSI) says, these unwanted subscriptions are hidden in “online games, tarot consultations or viewing of content for adults where they ask us for the telephone number to give us access or for a supposed evaluation of our coming of age.”

The best thing in these cases is to be cautious. Among the security practices that you should carry out, in addition to not responding to any strange or unknown SMS, avoid clicking on the advertising that appears in some games or on the advertising of sites that you distrust.

In case you are already one of those affected, our recommendation is that you thoroughly review your telephone and television bill if you have contracted it. Here you will find valuable information about the extra costs you are suffering and, once located, contact your company to unsubscribe from these services as soon as possible and avoid the extra cost.

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