Nobody expected it, Google is going to eliminate one of its services


Changes are coming for mobile users. Google has announced that one of its services that until now could be enjoyed on both Android terminals and Apple iPhones, will become exclusive to the Pixel. The company has also revealed the reason that led them to make the decision to eliminate it.

When some services are not successful or do not reach the expectations that have been made, it is logical that they end up disappearing. And this is what seems to have happened with Google’s VPN service, which was included in the features that Google One subscribers have access to. The company has announced that the tool will disappear at the end of this year in 2024. .

It will be exclusive to the Pixel

As we said, although Google’s VPN service disappears from the devices where it was available, the entity has confirmed that it will continue to be available for users who have a Google Pixel 7 or a later model. To use it, those who have one of these devices will only have to access the Settings menu and from there activate it when they need it. Plus, it will be free.

VPN service included with Google One subscription

However, we should not think that this is a turn of the wheel to benefit the Pixels, given that Google has recognized that the use of its VPN had aroused very little interest. Actual figures are unknown, but taking into account that you had to pay to use it and that, as an alternative, there are many free options circulating on the Internet, it is understandable that it was not as successful as it could have been.

It’s not the only thing that ends

Regarding the Google VPN connection, it must be specified that what users paid to access it was the Google One subscription. Originally, when this security system was launched, what Google did was offer it as a feature of the Premium account . But as time went by, he saw that its popularity should not be high and decided to also put it on the cheapest plan, which has a price of 2 euros per month. But if the volume of use has not even increased, it ends up being logical that the company has decided to end the service.

But, as we say, it is not the only thing that Google has taken the ax to in recent hours. They have also announced that they are ending the free shipping promotion on printable photo orders from Google Photos. This was something that we could benefit from in Europe, the United States and Canada in some photos and specific orders, but it will no longer be available. From now on we will have to pay the shipping costs if we want to have some of the photos that we have saved in the cloud storage service printed.

Google VPN connection working system

From the words of Google, from where they say that they want to redirect their efforts to focus on features and elements that really generate interest among the public, we imagine that the latter was not having a great demand either. In the end, it is logical that Google wants to concentrate on what is truly relevant and that is of interest to users.

Still, people who were taking advantage of the VPN connection with their Google One subscription will no doubt have mixed feelings. The good news is that Google, aware that they are going to remove a feature from their service, has already announced that Google Photos users will be able to enjoy great new features in the near future. They have communicated this in the same message where they announce the end of the VPN network, so it will possibly be something important. Most likely, they refer to the AI ​​functions that Google’s photo service will adopt.

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