Data you should never share on WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok or other social networks


We use different social networks daily such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok, among others. The uses can be diverse, from informing us to entertaining us, training us or learning new things. We can find many things on all these platforms, but we are going to explain to you what actions you should never take on social networks for your own good and that of the people around you.

Security and privacy on the Internet begin with the actions that users take. We must always think carefully before making a publication or comment on the internet, since anyone can see it. Giving private information of our own or of third parties can cause us many problems. We are going to give you some recommendations on things you should never do on social networks.

First of all, you should always keep in mind that you do not know who will see the publication you upload to social networks. It can reach many people and some may have illicit interests. It is always important to measure very well the information that is shared on social networks. We are going to give you some guidelines on things you should never share.

Personal information

You should know that there are many people on the internet with bad intentions who seek all kinds of information to impersonate people. This means that the more information we publish, the easier it will be for them to impersonate us and end up in trouble.

Many users have ended up involved in unsolicited credits or linked to purchases they have never made. This is possible because they have shared key data, such as full name, address and other information, such as identity documents. Some have even suffered robberies after publishing their address.

In many cases it has been through carelessness. A letter from the bank on a table or an identification document that is visible in the photo. For this reason, you must review the photos before uploading them to social networks.

Our location

There are two ways for cybercriminals to physically locate us. The first is to share posts with location tags. We should avoid using this type of tag, which is common especially on Instagram, or put something unclear, such as “Barcelona” or “Madrid.”

Nor should we upload images or videos from the window of our house. Through these publications you can find out our location, especially if signs for nearby businesses appear.

share personal information on social networksTravel plans

Something quite typical is to announce on social networks that we are planning a trip or that we are away for a few days. This is a big mistake, since it implies that our home may be empty and thieves could enter the house. For this reason, users are usually asked not to report their travel plans or upload posts when they are away from home, but to wait until they return.

The ideal alternative, if we want to show off our vacation, is to publish the photos after we have finished the trip, when we are already at home. This way we prevent them from taking advantage of our absence to steal from us.

Photos of minors

It is normal for parents to share photographs of their children, which is dangerous. You should know that you never know where these photos may end up and what they may be used for. If you are going to post photos, you should cover the child’s face to protect their privacy and safety.

If for whatever reason we find a photo, taken by another person, where our son or daughter appears, we should ask the author of the photo to remove it from social networks. And, if he refuses, take legal action.

Videos and photographs from third parties

All people have the right to privacy and honor. Sharing images of people without their consent can be very expensive, since they could claim damages from us. Above all, when there are humiliating, humiliating or intimate situations.

You should know that not only is it a crime to share intimate photographs and videos of people, it is also a crime if someone sends it to you and you share it with other people or WhatsApp groups. Therefore, in these situations, you should report it to the authorities or, at the very least, delete the content and reprimand the person who sent it to you.

share photo friends social networksLabor complaints

Many people use their social networks to complain about their work situation and it is a serious mistake. It doesn’t matter if you don’t mention the company directly, as it can be very expensive. First of all, it is possible that the situation ends with a dismissal by the company.

Furthermore, if it is an attack on a large or multinational company, it may sue you for damaging its reputation. You should resolve problems with your superiors or before a judge, not on social networks.

Third Party Information

Surely you have been angry with a family member or friend more than once. The best thing in these cases is to distance yourself and entertain yourself with anything so that the anger goes down. Making decisions in the heat does not end in anything positive.

Publishing information, the person of these people or private conversations is a crime of revealing secrets. It will, therefore, generate quite important legal problems for us. In addition, these people may suffer harassment on social networks and also physically, from neighbors and acquaintances.

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