We already know where to place the router, but at what height is it best to do it?


Where to place the router was one of the big unknowns, since many users did not know exactly where to put it. Although, it must be clear that it is usually the technician who installs the equipment who decides the location. However, knowing which is the best area should not be overlooked. However, not everything is based on location, the height at which it is located also plays a key role.

Having more or less coverage in some parts of your house depends on the location of the router, however, height can also make a difference. For this reason, we must go on to see what is the ideal height at which this equipment should be placed so that the signal reaches all corners of your home equally, or at least, in a more balanced way.

The difference may be in the height

Just as it happens when looking for the correct position in terms of location, for example, one that is not close to other devices to avoid interference or appliances, etc., the height must also take into account WiFi waves. These expand radially in all possible directions. So, depending on their height, they may encounter more or fewer barriers, and they may also have to travel further distance.

a neutral router

Now, this signal distances itself from the router in order to reach all corners of the house, or at least that is what it intends, although it is not always fulfilled. Everything will depend on the barriers that are found, such as walls, furniture, devices, appliances… Therefore, the height can be the difference you need so that it reaches the greatest distance possible and avoids these interferences to a greater extent.

If you have found the best position for your router, but you are still not satisfied, then it is time to try another height. Here it will depend on whether the location is correct or the most accurate. If this is the case in your case, then you have to think about the height at which the router is located.

What is the ideal height

We start with the basics, talking about the different possibilities that can occur regarding the height of the router. For example, if it is positioned too high, then it is possible that it will reach other areas of the thing worse. WiFi waves will have to go down and travel further. On the other hand, if we try to place it closer to the ground, here comes the problem that there will be more barriers and more interferences will be generated. So, in short, and as a summary, we should not put it too high or too low.

Connect the router

The best thing to do is to position the router at a medium height or a little higher, but you should not go overboard. For example, at the height at which you have placed the PC, Smart TV… that is, which would be at least the height of a normal table, or even at eye level (depending on what you measure). Although, you also have to think about what other devices you have connected at home. Smart plugs or consoles can come in here. In any case, for this reason the ideal is a medium-high height so that the signal is distributed in the best possible way and a central position is achieved, neither too high nor too low.

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