Prenatal folic acid supplements prevent birth defects

Taking folic acid supplements before conception and during pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of the baby suffering from congenital malformations, such as neural tube defects and clefts, as confirmed by a study in which 567,547 couples participated.

Folic acid supplementation before conception is a preventive measure to reduce the risk of birth defects, such as neural tube defects. Studies since 1984 have shown that taking folic acid before pregnancy can be beneficial, such as one published in 1989 in JAMA Network. In 2009, a group of experts in the US recommended that all women planning to become pregnant take between 0.4 and 0.8 mg of folic acid daily.

Now, a new study by scientists in China confirms that taking folic acid around the time of conception is a critical strategy for preventing birth defects, particularly neural tube defects. Although controlled studies and other analyzes have confirmed its effectiveness, it remains crucial to fully understand the benefits of this supplementation in primary healthcare.

The research results have been published in February 2024 in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth and have revealed a lower incidence of birth defects among women who took folic acid compared to those who did not. Specifically, neural tube defects and clefts (such as cleft lip) were significantly less common in babies whose mothers took folic acid.

This effect was also consistent for other health problems, including congenital heart disease and abnormalities of the limbs or digestive tract and gastroschisis, a birth defect in which “a hole in the abdominal wall (belly) next to the navel allows the baby’s intestines come out of the body.

Starting supplementation three months before conception is key

To evaluate the benefits of folic acid in women seeking to conceive, the Chinese government launched the National Free Preconception Health Screening Project in 2010, offering women planning to become pregnant in the next six months a free daily supplement of 400 micrograms ( or 400 ug) of folic acid. These women began taking folic acid from three months before conceiving until three months after conception.

Using the project database, which includes information from 31 provinces and provincial-level municipalities in China, a population-based cohort study conducted between 2010 and 2012 included 567,547 married Chinese couples planning pregnancies within six months. . This national project made it possible to closely monitor the timing and duration of folic acid supplementation, as well as pregnancy outcomes.

The study was prospective and population-based, meaning they followed a large group of people over time to see how folic acid affected the health of their babies. The women reported any birth defects their baby had 42 days after giving birth.

Neural tube defects and clefts (such as cleft lip) were significantly less common in babies whose mothers took folic acid

The results showed a significant association between folic acid supplementation around conception and a reduction in the risk of birth defects. Additionally, the timing of folic acid supplementation is also key, as women who began supplementation at least three months before conception were less likely to have birth defects in their babies compared to women who began taking folic acid supplements. those who started taking the supplements later, or did not take them at all.

This study highlights the importance of folic acid supplementation around conception as a primary prevention intervention to reduce the risk of birth defects, and provides valuable insights for public health policy makers in formulating strategies to improve birth defects. birth outcomes and children’s quality of life.

Furthermore, it suggests the feasibility and effectiveness of such interventions as part of preconception care initiatives, and advocates for preconception care programs that emphasize early initiation of folic acid supplementation to achieve better maternal and infant health outcomes.

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