Taking Omega 3 daily can help delay aging signs

Consuming a daily gram of Omega-3 could slow biological aging, according to an essay with 777 older adults that suggests that if they are combined with vitamin D and exercise, greater benefits for health and longevity are obtained.

Having been graceful with good genetics is of great help, but the interaction between our genes and environmental factors is decisive in the way we age. This not only has to do with our physical appearance, but with the state in which the organs are maintained, which affects their correct functioning and disease prevention. That is why it is so important to have healthy habits, including a balanced diet.

A new clinical trial in which 777 adults over 70 years or more residents in Switzerlands have participated for a three-year period has shown that the daily consumption of a gram of Omega-3 can slow down the rhythm of biological aging in humans in humans . The results have been published in Nature Aging1.

Clinical studies that were previously carried out that restricting caloric intake can delay aging in humans, while other investigations in animals or small pilot trials on how to delay biological aging, for example through the consumption of vitamin d u omega-3 They have also shown promising effects. However, it has not yet been determined if these interventions work in humans.

Combine omega-3, vitamin D and exercise against aging

The researchers at the University of Zurich2 Heike Bischoff-Ferrari, Steve Horvath and his colleagues used molecular biology tools known as epigenetic watches to calculate how aging rates were affected during a clinical trial in which eight different groups or treatments were tested. The participants consumed 2000 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day, and/or took 1 gram of omega-3 per day and/or participated in an exercise program at home of 30 minutes three times per week for three years.

In an analysis of blood samples, the researchers discovered that the consumption of Omega-3 moderately slowed biological aging in several of the epigenetic watches up to four months, and that this did not depend on sex, age or body mass index of the participant. The combination of Omega-3, vitamin D and exercise worked even better, as one of the tests demonstrated.

These scientists also discovered that these three interventions together had the greatest impact on reducing cancer risk and fragility prevention over three years. Each intervention works through different, but related mechanisms, and, when combined, they enhance each other generating a stronger general effect, according to suggest.

The authors point out that a key limitation of this work is that there is no standardized measure of biological aging and that they opted for the most validated tests available. They also recognize that their sample of Swiss participants does not represent the average world population of adults 70 years or more.

“Epigenetic aging watches provide an indirect measure of biological aging and have the potential to play a crucial role in studies that evaluate these interventions. Although most research on biological aging and interventions to promote health have been Transversal (examining correlations between epigenetic age and factors such as diet at a single temporal point), this study provides important preliminary evidence that epigenetic aging can be decelerated over three years in response to the intervention, “explains the DR .3.

“The authors identified a beneficial effect of daily supplementation with Omega-3, particularly in individuals with lower basal levels of Omega-3. However, this effect was not observed with vitamin D or with an exercise program at home three days a week. These findings provide new valuable data, but given the relatively small size of the sample (98 participants who received Omega-3 and 95 who received a placebo) and the composition of the sample, which is healthier than the general population, the results must be considered preliminary. Future trials should aim to evaluate the generalization of these findings, even in younger populations, ”concludes the specialist.

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  • 1
    Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, Stephanie Gängler, Maud Wieczorek, Daniel W. Belsky, and Joanne Ryan. «Individual and Additive Effects of Vitamin D, Omega-3 and Exercise on DNA Methylation Clocks of Biological AGING IN OLDER ADULTS FROM THE DO-HEALTH TRIAL». Nature AgingSpringer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025, DOI: 10.1038/S43587-024-00793-Y.

  • 2
    Omega-3s Can Slow Down Aging Process. https://www.news.uzh.ch/en/articles/media/2025/omega-3s-aging-process.html. Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari. “Omega-3s Can Slow Down Aging Process.” UZH, 4 Feb. 2025, https://www.news.uzh.ch/en/articles/media/2025/omega-3s-aging-process.html.

  • 3
    «Individual and Additive Effects of Vitamin D, Omega-3 and Exercise on DNA Methylation Clocks of Biological AGING IN OLDER ADULTS FROM THE DO-HEALTH TRIAL». Nature AgingSpringer Science and Business Media LLC.

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