Learn basic economics concepts for free with this new course from the Bank of Spain


The BdE thus joins other Spanish public organizations such as Incibe that offer various training tools with which to protect ourselves on important topics that fully affect our daily lives.

The national central bank, Bank of Spain (BdE), has recently launched a new series of resources with which to learn essential basic aspects of economics in an open and free way, which can allow individuals and families to learn key concepts with which to improve in domestic savings or investment.

“Understanding basic aspects of the functioning of the economy can contribute to making better-informed decisions about the management of personal finances,” the institution indicates on its website. Spanish citizens, characterized by showing low results in knowledge about economics or personal finances, can thus benefit from these new courses to understand, among others, how inflation affects our pockets.

These courses cover several topics, including how to avoid bank fraud, how inflation affects us and how to improve savings management and our personal economies.

Facade of the Bank of Spain

Oliver Hubert, an economist at the BdE, announced the news a few days ago saying: «Today the Bank of Spain is launching an economic training program with the aim of disseminating economic and financial knowledge through a simple and accessible format and language. The first topic deals with inflation and covers several aspects: its definition, its effects, the factors that help explain it and the most appropriate policies to control prices. In addition, we talk about the relationship between inflation and interest rates and their impact on savings, investment or debt decisions,” the expert shared through LinkedIn.

In this way, the resources cover the phenomenon of inflation from different points: what it is and how it affects us, what relationship it has with interest rates and savings, what factors cause it or the influence of economic policies, among others.

Training offered by the Bank of Spain

To access the resources, simply enter the Economic Education section of the official Web of the institution. Likewise, the Financial Education section in the menu on the left includes other resources and sections with which to learn about finances. Those interested in these matters should be alert about the news from the Bank of Spain, since according to what the central bank indicates, “in the coming months other content related to financial risks or employment and the generation of labor income will be published.”

Readings, videos and podcasts make up the institution’s training offer, which in addition to the aforementioned topics also covers advice on electronic commerce, credit, inheritance, immediate payments and cards, as well as information on price stability or the European Central Bank.

Inflation is still present

As Hubert recalls, inflation is still present in our country, rising slightly from March to April of this year to 3.3%. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Spain rose 0.7% between these two months, so the shopping basket continues to show higher prices than usual. Core inflation fell to 2.9% in this same period, but this metric leaves out basic products such as energy and food.

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