Check this in your home so that the power doesn’t go out in the summer months


We do not always have the same energy consumption, nor do we require the same power. What does this mean? There are months, especially when the temperature is more extreme, when we use appliances that have higher energy consumption. For example, we can name the air conditioning. Furthermore, not only are we going to have them on for a long time, but they are going to need a certain power. And yes, that can cause the light to go off continuously.

We are going to explain what you should take into account this summer, as well as some tips for using your appliances correctly. The goal is to save energy, without having to give up keeping your house at a good temperature. Sometimes, you will have to make some changes to the rate you have contracted.

What power will you need?

The key point is to know what power you may need. It is measured in kW and can be lower or higher, depending on what you have contracted. Generally, it is usually between 3 and 6 kW. Depending on how many people live in a home, the size of the home, the number of appliances or the type, you will have to contract more or less.

What happen? In summer you will use air conditioning. Maybe even more than one at the same time. You are going to have to review what power you need and see whether or not you have to change what you already have contracted. For example, if you have contracted 3.5 kW of power, but when using air conditioners you will see that you will easily go over 4 kW, you may suffer power outages. In that case, you would have to hire something else.

This, as we say, will depend on different factors. Using a new, efficient air conditioner is not the same as having a very old model. It will not be the same if you already have a fairly high consumption base, if, for example, you use appliances such as a dishwasher, oven, washing machine at the same time…

Use air conditioning in summer

Use your devices well

You should carefully check the operation of the appliances. Make sure that they are properly configured, since sometimes you will be able to choose between different modes. This can mean significant savings. For example, in the case of air conditioning, setting it to 18 degrees in summer will not be the same as setting it to 25 degrees.

The goal should always be to make proper use of any appliance you have at home. In addition, you should also monitor the environment. What do we mean by this? If we go back to the air conditioning example, make sure that you don’t have any windows open while keeping it on or that you don’t have appliances nearby that may be incompatible (for example, an oven near a refrigerator).

By using your appliances correctly, you will also avoid using more power than necessary. This will help prevent blackouts in the summer. For example, try to avoid using the washing machine, dishwasher and oven at the same time if you already have the air conditioning on. This will reduce the risk of blackouts.

In short, when you prepare your home for summer and turn on air conditioners, keep in mind the power you might need. You may need to contract a little more to avoid problems. You can see how much power to contract to have several air conditioners.

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