Beware of gifts for direct depositing your salary: these are the recommendations of the Bank of Spain


Most banking entities offer their potential clients some type of gift, whether financial or material, in exchange for direct debiting the payroll with them. Although it may be a temptation at first, do not forget to check all the conditions before signing the contract.

The banking sector has payroll direct debit of their clients is one of their main focuses of attention. The growing competition to obtain as many payrolls as possible causes entities to explore all the options that exist to be able to capture the attention of their clients. your potential customers. And, among all of them, one of the most used formulas consists of designing a rewards policy that ranges from offering cash to a material gift in the form of a Smart TV or a new smartphone.

As customers, we are often attracted by these types of options. Which, in many cases, can be very aggressive. However, they are not always a good decision if we think about it. in the long term. This is warned by the Bank of Spain, which on its website has published a series of recommendations before accepting the offer that we must always consider.

image of a cardboard box

The Bank of Spain’s recommendations

The first thing we must take into account are the conditions that we must meet in order to access the offer. Although they are not always announced, in most cases we must meet a minimum amount. Even, in some cases, we find different types of gifts depending on the amount of our payroll. The highest value is reserved for those with higher payrolls. Knowing this information is essential to avoid confusion.

Furthermore, another aspect to consider is the permanence that we will sign. The Bank entities They set a minimum duration to be able to receive a gift. Otherwise, it would not always be profitable for them. Depending on the minimum time that requires us to have the payroll domiciled, it could be a good option or, failing that, it would be advisable to look for some kind of alternative.

Possible penalties

Along with what has already been mentioned, we must also know what are the penalties which we face in the event that we stop receiving payroll because we have been fired. In addition to informing us about whether, in addition to making the direct debit, we must contract some other type of product that can generate an extra cost that is not initially contemplated.

In addition, the organization also recommends knowing what the possible commissions that we must face or if the account we are contracting offers us all the services we need.

That is to say, it is very important that when we go to domiciliate the payroll, Let’s not just look at the gift and take into account the general offer they are offering us. In many cases, along with the gift we are accepting a series of extra conditions that can detract from the reward they are offering us in exchange. Knowing all the details is the best way we can find to avoid surprises in the future.

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